band: Polar Bear

Total votes: 3 (15%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 17 (85%)
Total votes: 20

band: Panda Bear

Some guy put together a DVD for the short tour he (PB) did a while back. He planned to give it away as a proper solid object to own but something happened. It's now a download...

...i am sure there would be a link on panda bear's myspace or something.

I don't even really vouch for the DVD as visuals of the dude are not all that spectacular when viewed from your PC/TV.

I really like Panda Bear however. Cheered me up a great deal last year. Wish i had something fresh and much like it now.

band: Panda Bear

I had only heard 1 song and don't remember much about it then my cousin, after hearing some of the new stuff I was working on, told me it sounded like I was ripping off Panda Bear. I was mad so I listened to the new record. I liked it and I WAS ripping off Panda Bear! All along I thought I was ripping off Brian Wilson. Silly me.

Crap for traveling through time to rip me off and make it look like I ripped him off. Not Crap because he does a better job at it than me.

Now I have to erase 10 tracks of backing vocals and ambient garbage.
All I'll have left is a shaker.

band: Panda Bear

japmn wrote:I had only heard 1 song and don't remember much about it then my cousin, after hearing some of the new stuff I was working on, told me it sounded like I was ripping off Panda Bear. I was mad so I listened to the new record. I liked it and I WAS ripping off Panda Bear! All along I thought I was ripping off Brian Wilson. Silly me.

Crap for traveling through time to rip me off and make it look like I ripped him off. Not Crap because he does a better job at it than me.

Now I have to erase 10 tracks of backing vocals and ambient garbage.
All I'll have left is a shaker.

Keep your stuff, man. I'm sure it's great. It's a good sound to have thought of.

band: Panda Bear

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I really like the first track off his second record.
Every other song comes across as filler though.

Yea, as much as I love when he gets a track right, take bros for example, he often has lots what seem to be filler.

However, Not Crap! The one or two that he does nail are so good I'll put up with the rest.

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