Vampire Weekend

Total votes: 36 (80%)
Total votes: 9 (20%)
Total votes: 45

Band: Vampire Weekend

Just watched the SNL performance.

The lead singer was wearing SKINNY JEANS. He also sported a sweater and haircut that made him look like Andrew McCarthy in Pretty in Pink. Overall his appearance made me want to break his face.

Still, I could easily have gotten past this if their music hadn't been really, really annoying.


Band: Vampire Weekend

Seen em on SNL. It was inspiring, in the sense that this is what's become of the Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, GO4-Joy-Division-Revival scene. It's totally toast. It's gone so far as to produce this band, this perfect mess of useless songsmithing maneuvers. No point to their music. Nothing remotely interesting. No edge, no balls, just a series of wimpy, douchebag cliches that are perfectly in line with what's become of popular music in the past few years. They are the Stone Temple Pilots of this crappy genre. It's dying, if not already dead. Therefore, HOORAY!!!!

"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Band: Vampire Weekend

eeyore wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote: Disliking a band for the clothes they wear is probably as bad as liking a band for the clothes they wear.

normally i'd agree, but did you see that fucking shawl the keyboardist had on for SNL? mother teresa would have cock-punched him.


I've never commented on a bands clothing before and I usually don't factor that into my either liking or disliking a band.

But yes, the shawl and the sweater = instant cock-punch response.

Plus the strings were'nt really playing. the record company/band/evil producer hired them and put them up there in order to make the band seem to have more depth and weight. All I was hearing was bad mellotron samples. Or they were playing and were taken out of the mix because of intonation problems or poor mixing.

I mean really, they had them in a fishbowl and still I heard nothing but mellotron. Whats up with that?

Band: Vampire Weekend

scott wrote:Seen em on SNL. It was inspiring, in the sense that this is what's become of the Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, GO4-Joy-Division-Revival scene. It's totally toast. It's gone so far as to produce this band, this perfect mess of useless songsmithing maneuvers. No point to their music. Nothing remotely interesting. No edge, no balls, just a series of wimpy, douchebag cliches that are perfectly in line with what's become of popular music in the past few years. They are the Stone Temple Pilots of this crappy genre. It's dying, if not already dead. Therefore, HOORAY!!!!


Dear Scott,

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Genius, this.


Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Band: Vampire Weekend

scott wrote:Seen em on SNL. It was inspiring, in the sense that this is what's become of the Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, GO4-Joy-Division-Revival scene. It's totally toast. It's gone so far as to produce this band, this perfect mess of useless songsmithing maneuvers. No point to their music. Nothing remotely interesting. No edge, no balls, just a series of wimpy, douchebag cliches that are perfectly in line with what's become of popular music in the past few years. They are the Stone Temple Pilots of this crappy genre. It's dying, if not already dead. Therefore, HOORAY!!!!


I heard an Interpol album called "Turn On the Bright Lights" and it had some good cuts on it. Nothing mind blowing, but definitely the most I've ever been able to listen to of their genre aka:

lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

Band: Vampire Weekend

I sat in horror whilst watching this band on SNL. Is it Ska? Punk? Skunk? That shit died a long time ago and it shoulda stayed dead. I'll take any of that post-punk revival crap instead of this.

I think disliking a band because they suck is reason enough. All of the clothes + popularity is just added fuel to the fire to why they suck.

Plus, the singer was doing this yelping puppy thing in the chorus. What was that? The kids like this shit? People are even more retarded than I thought!
Tiny Monk site and blog

Band: Vampire Weekend

eeyore wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote: Disliking a band for the clothes they wear is probably as bad as liking a band for the clothes they wear.

normally i'd agree, but did you see that fucking shawl the keyboardist had on for SNL? mother teresa would have cock-punched him.


No argument from me there. What was that? It was just stupid. But it didn't make the music any worse or better.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

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