placeholder wrote:Very funny band name, but CRAP.
Judging by the couple of abysmal songs I've heard, they are virtually indistinguishable from Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, the Bravery, and all those other fake-o, label-manufactured "post-punk revival" bands that I hate.
Equating this crap (crap from a time and a place that only exists in the minds of these Vampire jokers) with something like
Turn on the Bright Lights is fucking silly. Interpol made
one great album, okay? Just admit it, all of you.
And to the person who likes
Tiny Music...Songs From The Vatican...I like some Stone Temple Pilots radio singles (let's exclude any songs from the album
Core), but most of that stuff is just as vapid and unlistenable as any other Stone Temple Pilots album.
Vampire Weekend is just so goddamn pussy...and not in a charming, reverse-badass way like the Vaselines or Beat's pussy for the sake of pussy. Vampire Weekend seems to be devoid of anything even remotely approaching reality. I am offended as a music lover/(snob?) by such a Target®-targeted unreality.
From Will Ferrell comedies to Vampire Weekend...I just wish that everything hadn't become so fucking slick. I miss movies like
Animal House, bands like Dag Nasty, and other music that sounds like it was grown in dirt as opposed to pieced together a pop factory befitting of Fall Out Boy's "sound" as well as Vampire Weekend's.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass