Vampire Weekend

Total votes: 36 (80%)
Total votes: 9 (20%)
Total votes: 45

Band: Vampire Weekend

Very funny band name, but CRAP.

Judging by the couple of abysmal songs I've heard, they are virtually indistinguishable from Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, the Bravery, and all those other fake-o, label-manufactured "post-punk revival" bands that I hate.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Band: Vampire Weekend

placeholder wrote:Very funny band name, but CRAP.

Judging by the couple of abysmal songs I've heard, they are virtually indistinguishable from Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, the Bravery, and all those other fake-o, label-manufactured "post-punk revival" bands that I hate.

Equating this crap (crap from a time and a place that only exists in the minds of these Vampire jokers) with something like Turn on the Bright Lights is fucking silly. Interpol made one great album, okay? Just admit it, all of you.

And to the person who likes Tiny Music...Songs From The Vatican...I like some Stone Temple Pilots radio singles (let's exclude any songs from the album Core), but most of that stuff is just as vapid and unlistenable as any other Stone Temple Pilots album.

Vampire Weekend is just so goddamn pussy...and not in a charming, reverse-badass way like the Vaselines or Beat's pussy for the sake of pussy. Vampire Weekend seems to be devoid of anything even remotely approaching reality. I am offended as a music lover/(snob?) by such a Target®-targeted unreality.

From Will Ferrell comedies to Vampire Weekend...I just wish that everything hadn't become so fucking slick. I miss movies like Animal House, bands like Dag Nasty, and other music that sounds like it was grown in dirt as opposed to pieced together a pop factory befitting of Fall Out Boy's "sound" as well as Vampire Weekend's.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Vampire Weekend

Arson Smith wrote:Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it:


Totally nailed it. This band isn't part of any post-punk revival, fake or otherwise. They are exactly Haircut 100. I don't think they are dishonest about it either.

Band: Vampire Weekend

Minotaur029 wrote:
Equating this crap (crap from a time and a place that only exists in the minds of these Vampire jokers) with something like Turn on the Bright Lights is fucking silly. Interpol made one great album, okay? Just admit it, all of you.


No, Minotaur, Interpol have always sucked.

Vampire Weekend? Ugh............edgy music for Young Republicans. Fuck 'em.


Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Oof. This sentence is terrible.

As in Dale Jr.'s English Language Handbook terrible.

God, we're all fucked.

Band: Vampire Weekend

Tired of the trust-fund, rich kid, Columbia University bashing. So self-evidently ridiculous. Who cares what the socio-economic background of the band members are? Who cares if their clothes are goofy?

I love you EA, but some of y'all are some closed-minded bitches sometimes.

I like Vampire Weekend. It's good pop music. Not crap.

Band: Vampire Weekend

tipcat wrote:Tired of the trust-fund, rich kid, Columbia University bashing. So self-evidently ridiculous. Who cares what the socio-economic background of the band members are? Who cares if their clothes are goofy?

I love you EA, but some of y'all are some closed-minded bitches sometimes.

I like Vampire Weekend. It's good pop music. Not crap.

Rich or poor, a pussy by any other name would smell just as sweet.

dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Band: Vampire Weekend

My band (Aa) has played shows with Vampire Weekend. Recently we played with them at the Bowery Ballroom here in New York in mid-January. Shit heaps of attention were dropped on this show by the New York Times, Gothamist (I think), Village Voice, and other NY papers I see in my periphereal vision while walking down the street. Definitely one of the few sold out shows my band has ever played. Weird bill, totally strange audience - like playing to a room of young Rotary Club applicants. We were asked to play the show because one of my band mates is college buddy of one the Vampires who apparently likes our band (keyboards, multiple drummers and almost no melody), a complete opposite of VW.

I don't really have any complaints about how the show went down, except for the 2nd act on the bill - a DJ/MC combo from Philly called Plastic Little. If anyone wants to start a a hilarious and brutal C/NC thread on this forum, this would the band to choose.

To their credit, the Bowery sound crew was very accommodating and helpful, and we are a pain in the ass to do live sound for.

Oh, and we got paid $100 for a show that sold out before Christmas. I forgot to mention that as the shitty part. Not really that big of a deal to us in the end - we only had to drive over the Williamsburg Bridge to play the show. We ended up selling a good deal of merch that night, which went towards van repairs and gas for the next out-of-town shows.

As for the VWs, the music isn't really my thing, but I definitely don't hate them. They are friendly guys, and so far I haven't seen them act in way (off stage) that makes me think less of them. For music so upbeat its alienating, I can't understand why it attracts so much attention, but then again I'm obsessed with the newest Whitehouse record, so I recognize that I have fringe tastes in this regard.
josh bonati | |

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