Wall Street Journal Series On The Fall Of Bear Stearns

I'm no expert in economics but I spoke with a friend of mine who should really be into this matter. Basically what he said is:

1. Fed's discount rate will be lowered below 1.00% by November but this measure will have no effect and US economy will go in recession for at least two years.

2. Fed will probably oblige the banks to raise the fraction of the funds deposited that have to be available for the customers in order not to generate a liquidity crisis and a run on the banks. As a drawback the banks will have to withdraw some of their money from their investments.

3. Fed will keep on printing a great amount of money .

4. This crisis could be a boon for Hillary Clinton because electors remember how well Bill dealt with the economic situation during his terms (e.g. public debt was a lot lower under Clinton than under Bush II ).

5. European Central Bank will keep our discount rate nearly stable but France, Italy and Germany will break the Euro-imposed 3% limit of the deficit/ Gross Internal Product ratio.

6. It's likely that Lehmann Brothers will be the next Bear Stearns

If all this measures will not be enough:

7. Chinese central bank could help the Fed.

8. Euro could replace the dollar as the exchange money used for oil trade.

9. US will be forced to retire from the war in Iraq and/or Afghanistan because of the enormous military expense.

Sorry for my English.

Wall Street Journal Series On The Fall Of Bear Stearns

Rick Reuben wrote: That's what makes this scam so galling to witness- the antidote to this mirage of debt-backed currency is everywhere! *Knowledge* It requires no serious economic training to comprehend- and yet...the scam works.

How is merely acquiring knowledge an effective antidote to this elaborate, well-funded, self-perpetuating multinational scam?

Becoming aware of what's going on is certainly a good thing but I fail to see how it would have much impact on the elites and their rigged game, especially if they're as powerful and entrenched as you say they are.

Rick Reuben wrote:Money must be backed by a commodity. If you tell a child you'll give him an ice cream cone and you give him a piece of paper with a picture of an ice cream cone drawn on it, he'll scream his head off. But you can give an adult a piece of paper with a freaking Illuminati eye on it and tell him it's a 'dollar', and most will nod and go, "Oh, well. They take this paper at my gas station- guess it's just as good."

Not much anyone can do about this, is there?

It's a Monkey See, Monkey Do world, and we're living in it.

Wall Street Journal Series On The Fall Of Bear Stearns

Knowledge is a step toward finding a cure, but I don't believe it's necessarily an antidote or solution.

Information isn't everything.

What I'm getting at is, what can we actually DO besides inform ourselves and (hopefully) those around us? What sort of ACTION can be taken, by those who're already aware, for instance, of what a corrupt instituion the Federal Reserve is? What can we actually do besides post on message boards and write our congressmen (read: their secretaries and interns)?

Wall Street Journal Series On The Fall Of Bear Stearns

Rick Reuben wrote:Allow the Fed to pose as the savior.

They will try. The media will try and make you believe that the Fed is 'rescuing' the banking system. If you fall for *that*, after this.... :shock:

Not so much. If you step over to CNN (which is a fairly centrist source of media) they seem to think the Feds actions are causing fear which is only knocking the NASDAQ and the DOW lower. That the rate cut is a band aid on a broken leg.

I don't doubt there are people benefiting from this, but you need to keep in mind there are many rich, powerful and uncaring people getting screwed over by this. Your vision of a unilateral conspiracy is impossible. I don't doubt that someone's choices have been made in their own interest, but there is conflict at the heart of all of it.

Wall Street Journal Series On The Fall Of Bear Stearns

bono wrote:
ricky bobby wrote:Fed Savages $ Further, Unleashing New Wave Of Inflation


I would not go see fred savage's new wave band.

hahah, I just had exactly the same thought and was about to post the same picture from google image search! salut!
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


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