Crap/Not Crap?

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Not Crap
Total votes: 12 (100%)
Total votes: 12

Film: Alien 3

I'm not a great fan of Charles Dance but I thought his character was killed off just a little too early.

I like all the Alien films to a greater or lesser degree but acknowledge they are all flawed but worthwhile anyway.

My preferences:
Alien Resurrection
Alien 3


Film: Alien 3

I liked the first two in the series and when this came out I was a bit dissapointed and didn't rate it very highly. I think it flopped and got slaughtered in the film press too (could be wrong about this mind). It has aged very well in my opinion. I watched it last night, and really enjoyed it. Have not seen it for years. It had that edge of the seat thrill of the first two films. The story, script and background to it is also pretty good.

Am I right in thinking they had a limited budget for this and that was the reason they got loads of unknown and cheap English actors in to play the majority of the supporting role?


Film: Alien 3


I LOVE that they killed Hicks and Newt in the beginning. Lets you know this is a different animal. The other death early on is also a good one. Just completely merciless...

At the time it came out, everyone was disappointed because they wanted "Aliens 2". So many had forgotten how different the first and second ones were in tone.

Also, the fact that there are no guns in Alien 3 helped sealed its fate as a commercial failure but also is part of what makes it special.

I think it's aged way, way better than Aliens, which is definitely still a fun ride, but some of the dialogue and over the top militarism in it reeks of '80's Schwartzenager and almost veers into Starship Troopers "pure camp" territory.

Film: Alien 3

I loved this movie.

I could've given a shit about Newt or Hicks so that part doesn't bother me.

Ripley is all I give a shit about.

As I get older I find myself liking Aliens less and Alien 3 more. Alien will always be the best, but Aliens I have found to just get cheesier and cheesier.

Favorite scenes have to be when the alien comes right up to Ripley's face after killing that guy who's name escapes me right now and the end. The music + Bishop's NOOOO is fantastic.


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