Worst local-hometown bands in your area

thatdamnedfly wrote:
i forgot about this shit sandwich.

shit sammich wrote:
United States

GOD F-ING DAMNIT. Why does every fucking dickhead bandwagon-jumper have to come here? Keep right on sucking right there where you are. We're full. The next asshole I see walking around with a solidstate Vox or a scarf in 75 degree weather is getting hit with the van. For trues.

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


Worst local-hometown bands in your area

John George Peppers wrote:The Academy Is.... That's the fucking band name. Who sits down and thinks that's a good band name.

I hear they are all over local radio. Man is it shit.


So true. My old neighbor was friends with their original guitarist, who apparently wrote all of the songs on their first album and then was kicked out for not having the right 'image'.
The Chrome Robes-Busted Canoe

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