Heart of Texas making Dietz again

So, I have reading posts about Dietz cabinets, and was wondering what exactly they are. I did some poking around, and came across a lot of pictures of bass cabs, usually with one 15" speaking and port at the bottom. I have a cab exactly like this that I have always loved, I was never able to identify what exactly kind of cab it is. Here is a picture, its kind of hard to see, but you get the idea. Is it a Dietz cab? or a Dietz style cab?


Heart of Texas making Dietz again

gebo wrote:So, I have reading posts about Dietz cabinets, and was wondering what exactly they are. I did some poking around, and came across a lot of pictures of bass cabs, usually with one 15" speaking and port at the bottom. I have a cab exactly like this that I have always loved, I was never able to identify what exactly kind of cab it is. Here is a picture, its kind of hard to see, but you get the idea. Is it a Dietz cab? or a Dietz style cab?


measure it. remove the speaker and see if it's an EV 15 something or other.

btw, here are two for sale. $300 each. in the "bay state". where ever that is.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Heart of Texas making Dietz again

The Dietz is based on stock design from Electrovoice called the TL606. Even if yours was not built at Heart of Texas it could well be a Tl606. Lots of people have made them over the years, most famously Mesa Boogie with the Diesel 1x15. The plans I have are speced for the EVM 15L, which is what I believe most use. You also see them with the EVM 15B, and sometimes other stuff. I remember seeing a craigslist posting for someone that had a couple loaded with JBL e140's, and I believe someone on this board got one that had a Peavey Black Widow in it.

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