I felt their name was stupid for years, so I wouldn't listen to them, I like them though. They haven't made their one "go to" album yet, but there's enough great stuff that they have done, and not enough clunkers to give it a very firm: NOT CRAP.
Band: Queens of the Stone Age
3i liked the stuff on the radio that i heard from these guys, but i saw them on television once and thought it was some crappy numetal band. when i realized it was the queens of the stoneage, i was a little irked. urked. erked? but the singles aren't that bad. there should be a "crap-but-not-crap" option.
Band: Queens of the Stone Age
5I hate the name, too, but as I have only heard one song by them and 'tis a good one that harkens back to the good kind of stoner rock, I will say NOT CRAP.
That song is "No One Knows". Better than Kiss.
That song is "No One Knows". Better than Kiss.
Band: Queens of the Stone Age
6two words - Dave Grohl
If Dave Grohl played drums for Nsync, I'd say not Crap.
If Dave Grohl played drums for Nsync, I'd say not Crap.
Chris Hardings
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter
A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)
More implosion lest I need, no wait, karowack need imposter
A Strange Film - Rence or Ramos (ignore)
Band: Queens of the Stone Age
9Restored my dwindling faith in tuned down to C music that could carry a falsetto melody without resorting to lyrics about just how much you can never understand me...man. (Near actual quote).
Not crap, but witnessing Nick Oliveri play naked makes me wince.
Not crap, but witnessing Nick Oliveri play naked makes me wince.
Band: Queens of the Stone Age
10Ok I've only heard one album, -the most recent one i believe. I kinda dug the music, not great or groundbreaking, but listenable. But the horrible "radio " talk in between songs, i guess it's supposed to be funny but it comes across as gimmicky and sophomoric. I picture the band drinking mountain dew and eating doritios while simutaniously playing video games, and coming up with the brilliant ideas for their little radio sketches.
i dunno , im gonna havta go with crap just for the radio shit. 5
i dunno , im gonna havta go with crap just for the radio shit. 5