Queens of the Stone Age?

Total votes: 16 (21%)
Total votes: 62 (79%)
Total votes: 78

Band: Queens of the Stone Age

i liked the stuff on the radio that i heard from these guys, but i saw them on television once and thought it was some crappy numetal band. when i realized it was the queens of the stoneage, i was a little irked. urked. erked? but the singles aren't that bad. there should be a "crap-but-not-crap" option.

faces! :x :P :twisted: :roll: :wink: :cry: :lol: 8) :) :D

Band: Queens of the Stone Age

Ok I've only heard one album, -the most recent one i believe. I kinda dug the music, not great or groundbreaking, but listenable. But the horrible "radio " talk in between songs, i guess it's supposed to be funny but it comes across as gimmicky and sophomoric. I picture the band drinking mountain dew and eating doritios while simutaniously playing video games, and coming up with the brilliant ideas for their little radio sketches.

i dunno , im gonna havta go with crap just for the radio shit. :WF: 5


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