Sending back food at a resturant

"It's fine, just eat it." (CRAP)
Total votes: 16 (53%)
"This is unacceptable. I'd like another one." (Not Crap)
Total votes: 14 (47%)
Total votes: 30

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

I don't know if I've ever done this in my life, but the only circumstances I can really see it happening in are ones where the only way to salvage the meal is through better cooking, or if the waiter/waitress got a part of your order wrong and it would only take them five or less minutes to replace the wrong part.

Anyone who makes a habit of this is an automatic piece of shit. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

that damned fly wrote:
stewie wrote:I once saw a lady send back a very expensive bottle of red wine. It was a couple hundred dollars at least, and she just wasn't impressed enough with it.

I am still stunned by the memory of that one.

sometimes i wanna yell "fuck you!" at people when they blow my mind.

One night I woke myself up by yelling "fuck you!" in my sleep.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

AnthonyVillalobos wrote:...don't do this unless you like the taste of disease. Some of the shit I saw some chefs do there was pretty ruthless.

I knew a chef who wiped his dick on all returns. Would even dip his shit in someone's water before sending it out. I had a hard time eating out for a couple years after my experiences in that restaurant.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

lemur68 wrote:
that damned fly wrote:
stewie wrote:I once saw a lady send back a very expensive bottle of red wine. It was a couple hundred dollars at least, and she just wasn't impressed enough with it.

I am still stunned by the memory of that one.

sometimes i wanna yell "fuck you!" at people when they blow my mind.

One night I woke myself up by yelling "fuck you!" in my sleep.

i think you mentioned this in another thread and it cracked me up then too.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

CRAP, WF5. I've had to send food back due to a mistake by whomever took my order. I hate doing it, but I can't let myself pay for something I can't eat*. I'm never a dick about it and I still tip. Everybody makes mistakes. Those who throw a fit or send stuff back often are pricks.

*I can't eat anything with a substantial amount of onions in/on it, makes me ill. I always order things with "no onions".
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

i once received a lamb shank that remained frozen in the center. never having ordered such a delicacy before i embarrassingly asked the waiter if this was supposed to be the case; ahi is surved raw, why the hell not lamb?

he apologized, embarrassed, and brought me a new one. it was delicious.

it needed to be cooked. how could it be crap to send it back?

depends, but certainly in this case not crap.

also, my son has crohn's disease that we have cured by changing his diet. we have to ask for special preparations like "no kethcup" and "cheddar, not american cheese." when they fuck those we up we have to send them back.

edit: i'm not too picky. i found a hair in my burrito the other day. pulled it out and kept eating.
Last edited by enframed_Archive on Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

Only under extraordinary circumstances do I ever send food back. I think it has only happened twice in my life and both times at the same restaurant. Once there was parchment paper in my potatoes, the other time my food was completely burnt. It was not really a big deal to me, I just graciously alerted the server and she took care of it. There is no reason to be a dick unless there has been blatant malicious misconduct by the kitchen or wait staff. No one deserves to get yelled at for a simple mistake, ever.


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