NerblyBear wrote:newberry wrote:I think it's a bit trickier when we talk about whether or not ID should be taught in schools. Clearly it should not be, but what should we base that judgment on?
Religion should not be promoted in public schools. ID is a thinly veiled attempt by the Discovery Institute to promote Christian-flavored Creationism, and if I'm not mistaken they want ID taught in science class.
They will argue that ID is not specific to any one religious sect, won't they?
I mean, we all know it is, but they could plausibly argue that, couldn't they?
Well, there is evidence that shows the folks behind ID support a Christian God. I would ask them, "who is the designer?" I'm sure they can argue til the cows come home, but ID does not stand up as science, and that's what they call it.
Here's the opening paragraph from the
Discovery Institute article at Wikipedia--you can go there to follow the footnotes.
The Discovery Institute is a think tank based in Seattle, Washington, best known for its advocacy of intelligent design and its Teach the Controversy campaign to teach creationist anti-evolution beliefs in United States public high school science courses.[1][2][3][4][5] A federal court, along with the majority of scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, say the Institute has manufactured the controversy they want to teach by promoting a false perception that evolution is "a theory in crisis" by incorrectly claiming that it is the subject of wide controversy and debate within the scientific community.[6][7][8] A federal court recently ruled that the Discovery Institute pursues "demonstrably religious, cultural, and legal missions",[9] and the institute's manifesto, the Wedge strategy, describes a religious goal: to "reverse the stifling dominance of the materialist worldview, and to replace it with a science consonant with Christian and theistic convictions."[10][11]