friend of shellac, eh?

hahahahahahaahahaahaha "jamegumm." Holy shit, Louisville melodrama re-enacted on this board, totally radical. I love it.

Jame Gumm, I love you for all time. I'd even "bang that" (now you know who this is, right?). Dude, give a holla next time you're in NYC (or I'll holla at you if/when I'm ever back in THA VILLE).


friend of shellac, eh?

i just noticed this thread and came across the following comment:

johnnyshape wrote:If you have it sitting there it takes up space in your life, and every possession you have drags down your energy. You should only have things in your life that inspire you; and someone else might find a use or inspiration from it.

i totally agree.

i'm the opposite of a packrat.

i actuslly derive pleasure in getting rid of things i don't want or need. in order to make more room for awesomeness.

friend of shellac, eh?

the cheap gifts i get that i don't need i ditch, either to a friend or goodwill or something.

the nice thoughtful things i keep forever. the second bass i ever owned was a gift. i still have it. i need to make it nice so i'll play it. i sold several other much nicer basses when i bought my EGC and played this damned thing for a year 'til i got the electrical.

i still play it. it's nice.

if shellac ever gave me a record, i might keep it, i might give it away, i probably wouldn't sell it.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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