Flintstones Vitamins

Total votes: 3 (12%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 22 (88%)
Total votes: 25

Item: Flintstones Vitamins

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Not crap, but as a non-medicinal snack I prefer baby aspirin.

I ate stuff like Rolaids and Hall's cough drops as candy. And Chap-Stick. Yes, I ate Chap-Stick.

I'm glad eating medicine as candy didn't fuck me up as an adult or anything.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Item: Flintstones Vitamins

lsflers wrote:Chap-Stick tastes gooood. You know they have Skittles flavors now?

and chocolate flavored skittles. how are these not m&m's?

scott wrote:So...

When I look on the main C/NC forum page, this thread was started by Bradley R. Weissenberger. And when I look at the actual thread, the first message is not Bradley, but rather The Classical.

What gives? Have I won a prize for noticing?

nice catch.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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