friend of shellac, eh?

Surfrider wrote:A record shop in London who also have a mail order service have been selling a bootleg of "Friends of Shellac" for a while now. Although they call it a 'limited edition repress of 500 copies'. Fucking twats they are as well. Whenever i have been in or dealt with them on the phone/via email, i can safely say a good 85% percent of their staff are dick holes. Plus as a company they are always selling bootleg shit and trying to pass it off as something legitimate. I and all my comrades actively boycott these fucksters now.

I picked up a copy in Sister Ray in Soho. Was cheap though.
placeholder wrote:I liked 'em better before they met each other. Once they wrote songs, they went to crap.

friend of shellac, eh?

Edd Tastyhead wrote:
Surfrider wrote:A record shop in London who also have a mail order service...Fucking twats they are as well.... 85% percent of their staff are dick holes....always selling bootleg shit and trying to pass it off as something legitimate. I and all my comrades actively boycott these fucksters now.

I picked up a copy in Sister Ray in Soho. Was cheap though.

Sister Ray is the first place I thought of when I read Surfrider's description! Haven't been there in years though. Didn't they get bought by Selectadisc?
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

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