Rick Reuben wrote:steve wrote:Rick Reuben wrote:Atheists are the ones mistakenly using current science toclaim that they have proven a negative, by claiming that, "If science can't see it, it isn't there."
Find me one single quote of anyone saying what you claim they're saying.
Read the thread. Newberry said it a dozen times. It's
all Newberry ever says.
Rick, is that really the best you can do? Come up with a quote from someone who you constantly argue with, on this thread and others, to prove your point that "Atheists are the ones mistakenly using current science to claim that they have proven a negative". Atheists (plural) imply more than one. I really get the sense that Steve was looking for a quote from someone from the outside world at large, not the inner world of EA.
It looks to me like people who believe in ID are the ones who are discounting evidence about the validity of evolution theory, and the main problem scientists (not all of whom are atheists, btw) have with ID theory is that it almost automatically considers invalid any evidence that doesn't support ID theory.
I do agree that current scientific theories regarding the origin of life and the universe are incomplete and do not completely solve the mysteries of these things, but any honest scientist (which I am not; a scientist that is, I am honest) would say that theories regarding these things give an incomplete answer. There is general agreement in the scientific community that ID does not rise to the status of scientific theory, since ID does not follow generally agreed upon scientific principles. If ID did follow those principles, and was still disregarding anyways, you could have a case saying they are being suppressed, but I don't see that happening.
Scientific thought, and the scientific process, has been gradually become divorced from religious dogma over time, since scientific thought and religious dogma are really talking about two different things; physical, provable evidence and faith; it's the ID people who want to push back the clock, and have scientific thought defer to religious dogma.
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