friend of shellac, eh?

BadComrade wrote:What's really funny is, Steve has boxes of that record still.

The last two Shellac Live in Japan CDs that I've seen sold have each gone for $500.

People out there want the -real- thing, and not a bootleg. I've got a real one. Anyone wanna give me $500 for it? I'm thinking maybe I should sell it, since I don't really need it, and since I never listen to it.

That site lists all the Friends of Shellac who got a record, but I don't see the name Chris Hall on there. Must be an oversight, right?

friend of shellac, eh?

I knew someone that had two with no names circled on them, I guess they had been given one and their girlfriend had been given one.
He had broken up with the g/f by that time and she never took it, he offered to let me have it when he saw how excited I was to see and hear it (this was right when it came out) but I refused till he called them and asked them if it would be ok, which he never did.
It just felt wrong to take it, even though it probably wasn't since the girl just left it and didn't want it and the dude did have two.
I dubbed it on cassette, though.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

friend of shellac, eh?

night_tools wrote:
Edd Tastyhead wrote:
Surfrider wrote:A record shop in London who also have a mail order service...Fucking twats they are as well.... 85% percent of their staff are dick holes....always selling bootleg shit and trying to pass it off as something legitimate. I and all my comrades actively boycott these fucksters now.

I picked up a copy in Sister Ray in Soho. Was cheap though.

Sister Ray is the first place I thought of when I read Surfrider's description! Haven't been there in years though. Didn't they get bought by Selectadisc?

nah, other way round. they moved into the selectadisc shop though.

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