Sending back food at a resturant

"It's fine, just eat it." (CRAP)
Total votes: 16 (53%)
"This is unacceptable. I'd like another one." (Not Crap)
Total votes: 14 (47%)
Total votes: 30

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

I worked in restaurants long enough, and have read enough posts on craigslist and what have you, to know that in just about any kitchen there is someone willing to infect or poison you if you "offend" them, or if they're bored, or the sig. other has cut them off, or whatever. So I don't send food back, say "please" and "thank you" to the server, and basically try not to draw attention to myself. Quite a thing to live in fear, isn't it?

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

Colonel Panic wrote:We both stood by the kitchen door and watched as the guy took a big bite, then gave my friend the thumbs-up sign. It was all we could do to keep from laughing as we turned back into the kitchen.

And if it was finally cooked how he wanted I bet it was delicious and he throughly enjoyed it. So longs you're not getting sick, what's the big deal? I don't even want to think about some of the stuff that must have happened to some of the fast food I've eaten.

Do people honestly send food back because they made a poor choice and don't like the dish? Holy crap. That's... crap...

If someone messed up my order enough that I feel I'm wasting my money for paying for it, and wasting calories by eating it, I'll send it back. This is usually meat ordered medium rare and delivered well (and burned. I'd probably dealt with it if not for the burned.)

Not Crap.
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

I'm a pretty tolerant eater, but if chicken or pork is ot cooked properly I will send it back.

I order steaks rare, or medium rare, so I don't usually have a problem with beef.

I think I have only sent back anything once, and that was chicken that was basically uncooked.

Like many of you, I know a lot of people who work in restaurants - both front of house and non - and all of them say that the kitchen staff that they work with don't get pissy with returns due to undercooking.
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ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

burun wrote:Like many of you, I know a lot of people who work in restaurants - both front of house and non - and all of them say that the kitchen staff that they work with don't get pissy with returns due to undercooking.

That's good to know. I've been reading this entire thread wondering why it's acceptable for chefs/cooks to take it out on the customer when their own mistake is brought to their attention. A prissy old bag disliking the amount of garlic in her marinara is one thing (but even then, there are more grown-up and professional ways of dealing with it), but if you get it just plain wrong it's not their fault, and undercooked food can be dangerous. A steak is ordered well done, goddamn cook it well done and don't wipe your nose on it just because you're pissed that it's the dinner rush and you're down two cooks and OMG I HAVENT HAD A SMOKE IN 5 HOURS. If a chicken order comes back pink, don't make it white by adding your semen to it, FUCKING DONKEYS.

tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

ACT: Sending back food while at a resturant

I don't remember sending food back but I did reject three, yeah count 'em, three bottles of wine. I'm not a cultured wine drinker by any means but I'm not paying to drink vinegar.

The first bottle was quite clearly off, corked, I believe is the correct term, the replacement was the same wine from the same batch probably stored in tha same manner and tasted the same. It went back. The third bottle was a different wine, it was fucked too. The waiter took it back into the kitchen, where the chef, who ran the place, screamed "NOT AGAIN!" Loud enough for the whole place to hear.

At this point I said to the waiter that if the he wanted to get the person who buys the wine for the hotel to taste it and disagree with me, I'd pay for the wine. He did and the chef agreed that all three were off. Cue the fourth bottle and although it didn't taste that great either, my wife and just drank it.
gjhardwick wrote:shut up you massive baptist

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