Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Rick Reuben wrote: I'll try again. Would Dr. Awkward like to explain why sellout liberals complain loudly about organized religion keeping people down, but speak so gently towards organized finance?

I can't, because i still don't know who these "sellout liberals" are. Who are they, Rick? I need names, and i need concrete examples from the real world, not the PRF.

How am i supposed to comment on the behaviors of straw men that you built? "Um, well, they sway in the breeze without collapsing, and birds stay away from them. Well played, Rick."

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:Rick defines them as "sell-out liberal facists."
No. I am not defining atheists as sellout liberal fascists. 'Atheists' is a huge category. Within it are fascistic atheists. Atheists who believe that theories about creation should be demonized or who believe that they are entitled to insult God believers for their personal choices are fascistic atheists.

Then why do you feel it necessary to paint all atheists as such? You're doing yourself a great disservice by using a straw man in an attempt to make a point.

Yes, some atheists are over-zealous in their beliefs. Not all. It's important to differentiate.

Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Rick Reuben wrote:Okay, I'll try to break through your hood of political correctness with a different approach.

"Hood of political correctness?" Man, even i'm not THAT PC. It's called the "clitoral hood."

Rick Reuben wrote:After you embarrass yourself by ducking the questions above, please remind yourself of your very recent pledge to avoid my threads, and go find some music talk on the board.

Ooooo, ya got me there. Score one internet argument point for the Rickster.

There's no point in trying to have a rational conversation or debate with ya, man. I tried that once in the past and was belittled and insulted for my efforts. So hey, if i'm going to be insulted while wasting time at work, i may as well bring the funny and crack some jokes.

(I'm pretty sure your recent even-more-batshit-than-ever-before proclamations of self-importance are a result of you amping up your messageboard "character," so i'm not too concerned at the end of the day.)
Last edited by DrAwkward_Archive on Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Geek wrote:Then why do you feel it necessary to paint all atheists as such?
Read this slowly:

If I take the time to type the word 'fascistic'
in front of the word 'atheist', that means that I am describing a subset!


And if I take the time to type the word 'sellout' in front of the word 'liberal', that means that I am describing a subset!


After you're called out on it, sure.

Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:How does one "clearly understand" something if it is a mythology?
Gee, I don't know, idiot- how do the atheists clearly understand organized religion enough to critique it?????

Organised religion isn't mythology. The classic dimwit Rick "bait and switch".

Now that the troll is here, it's time for Ricky Bobby to get some work done. I'll be back later tonight to answer all the replies made by people who do not read my threads.

I am kryptonite.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Lost in this whole "discussion" is the fact that, quite regularly and demonstrably, those who believe in god, especially those on the conservative end of the spectrum, demonize and excoriate those who don't believe in god, and death to non-believers was a regular result if you were labeled an atheist, in days gone by.

As far as I know, except in totalitarian communist regimes, believers in religion and god were not regularly put to death by atheists, and even then, it was more a function of those regime's needs to have total power and control over the people they were dominating.

Nazi Germany paid lip service to religion to a certain extent, so I don't think you could call them atheists, but certainly persecuted anyone they thought threatened the Reich.

I have experienced more hostility, as an atheist, from people who are religious, than the other way around. I tend to be respectful of other's beliefs, AS LONG AS THEY ARE RESPECTFUL OF MINE. If someone wants to be a jackass to me, well then tough shit, they get what they deserve.
Last edited by Mark Hansen_Archive on Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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