Mythology isn't organised religion.
But the two things are the same to you, because you are invested in neither. They are just words that you type when you're calling someone a fascist on the internet. You are a guy telling bridge players that spades are the same as clubs, because they are just printed on the same cards. You are commenting on a game you are not playing, that you cannot condescend to understand.
If your repeated "i'm going to work" posts are some kind of a response to the accusation that you are anonymous, never post anything personal, then that is just asinine.
The fact that I am the only person on this forum to regularly expose you as a troll reveals much about how much slack you earn here, simply by opposing me at every turn.
Responding to you so frequently has earned me more ire than you get from the posts the first place. If you cannot see that, you're even more disconnected than I thought. It is amusing that you resent the popularity that I, blatently, do not have.
What makes me a troll? Bad spelling, swearing? Not having an avatar?