My allegiance lies with:

Total votes: 125 (49%)
The Jesus Lizard
Total votes: 131 (51%)
Total votes: 256

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

my vote just tied it at 88 to 88.

I went with Fugazi.

Fugazi had a bunch of albums that I listened to a shit-ton of times and really went nuts for. TJL had some albums that were clearly great, but I don't think there's a single JL album I've listened to mre than maybe 5 times, max. That number will continue to climb over the coming years, but it'll never come close to how many times I listened to 3 or 4 of the Fugazi albums.

TJL definitely brings the rock, and maybe more of teh heavy than Fugazi, but Fugazi is way more raw and has a much broader range of greatness. What I mean there is, the JL songs that rock the fuck out and rule the world don't have nearly as wide a spread as the Fugazi songs that kick teh ass. TJL doesn't get quiet and pretty very well, at least not that I can recall, not anywhere near as good as Fugazi does. And when Fugazi explodes it, and gets very ripping, it's pretty similar to how much ripping TJL can do.

It's not like this is a super easy decision. But I absolutely have to go with Fugazi, because they've meant way, way more to me over the past decades.

Funny thing, as I think about it... drummer for drummer, bassist for bassist, guitarist for guitarists, even singer for singers, they're a pretty close match. Every single one of them is fucking awesome at what they do, top of the heap, the whole lot. It all comes down to the actual output of the bands. The songs. The vibe, the feeling, the mood... when I listen to it and walk away, what am I taking with me?

"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

boilermaker wrote:
big_dave wrote:
price wrote:It's really Ian MacKaye against The Jesus Lizard.

What the hell

Yeah, what the hell indeed. I saw Instrument for the first time last night and Fugazi is not a one man band by any stretch of the imagination. If I'd seen this film a few weeks ago it might have changed my vote to Fugazi. Whatever, this is a really good poll.

My roommate and I talked about this.
He disagreed with me too.

I think any band member of Fugazi except Ian MacKaye could be replaced
with any other competent musician and it would still be Fugazi.

Not The Jesus Lizard.
I think each guy owns twenty-five percent of the sound.


Is my point within context?


The Jesus Lizard was a tougher band.

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