Rick Reuben wrote:Sellout liberals love to fight battles that can never be decided. Their endless supply of hot air must be directed somewhere.
The irony of this quote is astonishing.
Rick Reuben wrote:Sellout liberals love to fight battles that can never be decided. Their endless supply of hot air must be directed somewhere.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
Rick Reuben wrote:No. A theist expresses full belief in a deity.Linus Van Pelt wrote: Can a theist be an agnostic?
Both Christians and Muslims are commanded to express full belief in their God.
God does not permit doubt. The command to believe fully always applies.
Mark Van Deel wrote:Rick Reuben wrote:They have attempted to create a hybrid third position of agnostic-atheism, which is for scared people who, because of peer pressure, are afraid to say they believe in God, and also, because of fear of God, they refuse to deny God outright, like an atheist is supposed to do.
They haven't attempted to create a hybrid. They've acknowledged what the word agnostic actually fucking means. Atheism is a position regarding belief. Agnosticism is a position regarding knowledge. There is no clear distinction, because the words refer to separate (but related) concepts. Knowledge is not a synonym for belief. You've fastened yourself onto a popular misconception of what the word 'agnostic' means, and you're clinging on for dear life, in spite of all the actual, factual, indisputable evidence that it doesn't mean what you think it means, because your belligerent and deliberate misunderstanding of the word makes it easier to argue for your ridiculously oversimplified position.
Rimbaud III wrote:
I won't lie to you, I don't want to be invisible so that I can expose the illuminati, I just want to see Natalie Portman DJing at her downstairs disco.
Rick Reuben wrote:Nope. Many others are inserting the word 'know' where it does not belong, but not me. The three categories of atheist, theist, and agnostic are all decided solely on what one believes, not on what one knows.big_dave wrote:I think I see where you are failing to understand here.
You are talking about whether or not someone knows.
big_dave wrote:Before the crucifixian, everyone involved had a symbolic moment of doubt and Jesus himself doubted three times.
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.
Rick Reuben wrote:I know what is written about him, which is all that anyone knows about God.Linus Van Pelt wrote:You know what God commands?
A theist expresses full belief in a deity.
Noun 1. theist - one who believes in the existence of a god or gods
Rimbaud III wrote:
I won't lie to you, I don't want to be invisible so that I can expose the illuminati, I just want to see Natalie Portman DJing at her downstairs disco.
yaledelay wrote:big_dave wrote:Before the crucifixian, everyone involved had a symbolic moment of doubt and Jesus himself doubted three times.
I believe it was Peter who de-neighed Jesus three times, but I might be wrong as I am not up on my bible study.
Rick Reuben wrote:eva03 wrote:What does "full belief" mean
Being an agnostic theist is like cheating on your wife. "Oh, I love you, honey, but I need a little something on the side."
Either say, "I believe in God, period." or say, "I choose not to express a belief in God, period."
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