Rick Reuben wrote:You only get to make one choice with your belief. An agnostic theist is trying to make two choices. This isn't golf. You don't get a mulligan. Either say, "I believe in God, period." or say, "I choose not to express a belief in God, period."eva03 wrote:What does "full belief" mean
First is theist, second is agnostic.
Being an agnostic theist is like cheating on your wife. "Oh, I love you, honey, but I need a little something on the side."
Or: "I love you, god, and I believe in you, but I need to have my doubts."
It's a bullshit position for mixed-up people. Either get in or get out when it comes to the Big G.
I guess that's fine for you but the world isn't black and white, at this point as has been pointed out earlier this is a semantic argument and we're not going to go anywhere but in circles, so I respect your right to think whatever but I don't see any contradictions in being both agnostic and atheistic/theistic.