Carlec Soundfield

Hey, what do you guys think one of these should fetch on the used market? The one I'm looking at picking up is in good shape, comes with the cable and the outboard preamp unit... but from what i understand it is the fourth version of the outboard unit which apparently is the "not so good" or "not so reliable" one. I really don't know much about them.

What do these go for? Does anyone know more about these and their history? I bet Steve does.

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Carlec Soundfield

MTAR wrote:Hey, what do you guys think one of these should fetch on the used market? The one I'm looking at picking up is in good shape, comes with the cable and the outboard preamp unit... but from what i understand it is the fourth version of the outboard unit which apparently is the "not so good" or "not so reliable" one. I really don't know much about them.

What do these go for? Does anyone know more about these and their history? I bet Steve does.


It's Calrec, just in case you're Googlin' it.

I have no idea what they are worth, but I think they're pretty great mics. As I recall, it's really more a SYSTEM of miking using M-S encoding/decoding to create a steerable stereo image.

Super clean and neutral sounding. Wide frequency response and damn flat. They use some EQ scheme to get rid of the phase shit that you might otherwise have to deal with.

If you record using all four capsules, you can 'steer' the image during mixing using the outboard unit. It's fuckin' cool.

We used this mic on Couldn't You Wait and Grotto of Miracles on the SKWM album Libertine. The drums are a kick mic and the Soundfield, in a very dead room. That's it!

Check this link out!

If you don't buy it, pls let me know. I would be a little tempted at the right price, even though I don't have any money.

Carlec Soundfield

thanks tim

i've used the one at Electrical, and I've also used the one that im going to buy from Indiana University, which is why I'm so eager to pick one up... they sound incredible! The one Im trying to buy is a Mark IV, and I've heard rumors that this version might be a little unreliable, so im trying to see if anyone can confirm these speculations. I know they came out with a Mark V, and the it supposed to be the cream of the crop.

I'm offering them 2000 in trade for the mic, cable and matrix. I think this is quite a deal. The other cool thing about the matrix (other than being able to virtually position the mic) is that i has the mic preamps built in. Also, you can use the B-format outputs for stereo surround, but i don't see myself ever using that feature practically, although i did use it for a surround project I did back in school.

I sure hope the deal goes trough!

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Carlec Soundfield

That's a good deal. I think I paid $4k for each of mine like 15 years ago. I rarely use them now, but when I do I'm all "fuck me I need to use these more."

Ours are MkIV, so you can talk to Greg about the maintenance history. Had some work done on one recently.

The matrices are uniquely calibrated to each mic, and while any "will work" with any, you get microscopic precision of the stereo field with the matched mic.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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