buy my EGC

simmo wrote:You should tidy up.

I have a vague obsession (there are are probably entire websites dedicated to it, as there are most things) with photos of this type on Ebay featuring either horrific mess or feet in the background.

I mean, does it not occur to these people (I'm talking about you, Mr Fly) to either stick the item in front of their (presumably) single metre square of clear wall/carpet?

Christ, if it's so absolutely impossible to tidy up, why not take the thing into the garden/road?

Ehem. Sorry.
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

buy my EGC

Adam I wrote:
simmo wrote:You should tidy up.

I have a vague obsession (there are are probably entire websites dedicated to it, as there are most things) with photos of this type on Ebay featuring either horrific mess or feet in the background.

I mean, does it not occur to these people (I'm talking about you, Mr Fly) to either stick the item in front of their (presumably) single metre square of clear wall/carpet?

Christ, if it's so absolutely impossible to tidy up, why not take the thing into the garden/road?

Ehem. Sorry.

Don't listen to them. I didn't notice. All I saw was the beautiful bass. As a fellow EGC player I feel compelled to ask you; WHY?

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