heater voltage for LOMO 19A-19 tube (6C31B)

I found it listed as 6S31B... the naming conversions from the Russky to the English don't always seem intuitive to me.

here's a page that I can't make heads or tails of what with the non-Englishness.

And here are the results from the tube search page I so adore.

And here is the tube search page in general. Great resource, very comprehensive and such.

It even has this section here (available from that main page) that helps with converting Cyrillic into English.

Hope there's something helpful in there.
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heater voltage for LOMO 19A-19 tube (6C31B)

eliya wrote:What mic?

Oh, it's just one of those Oktava MKL2500s. I got it because it was only £50 and I couldn't resist. It's actually quite good for some sources, although not very natural sounding. Simple cathode follower design (like quite a few Russian valve mics are). I have an M7 type capsule which I plan to try in it and see how it sounds. If I can figure out how to mount it.

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