Top Chef Chicago

What I want to know is if Steve was invited by Bravo to be a guest judge. That would be super rad.

Anyway, I've finally gotten caught up with the last three episodes. Richard is very Marcel-esque (except Marcel's Wolverine do completely fucking trumps Richard's faux-hawk), but he seems to break out his toys a lot more than it showed Marcel doing so. It works for him, but he still looks/sounds like a total prick.

In any case, RANK! the following snooty Top Cheftestants:


Top Chef Chicago

nick92675 wrote:
BadComrade wrote:
barndog wrote:Any of you guys recognize what block that was that had the block party - did they say? I tuned in late.

They lived on Paulina in Lakeview, so maybe that was the street. I've only ever seen the "deep dish disaster" episode, so that's all I have to offer.

argh - i don't remember - they did mention what i inferred as the street is was on at some point, as in "X avenue coctail" or something like that.

Yeah, I heard "Richmond" in the drink name. Don't know the block number, though. Richmond runs through a few neighborhoods. My guess would be Ravenswood Manor based solely on what little we saw of the housing stock, and the rehabbed "foody" kitchens in some of the homes.
Mike G.

Top Chef Chicago

I thought most of those were pretty tenuous. The judges didn't like that, but they were ok with Quail and some red and green food to represent A Chrismas Story? Get out of here.

God, I really want Andrew out of there. I was shocked that there was no verbal smackdown after he announced to the judges last week that the only way he would be leaving the show would be if they had him focibly removed.

Ryan too is a dunderhead. He will be called on this sooner or later.

Zoi cries too much. I am totally confused by her schtick this week. She basically made this statement: "If what the judges are looking for is creative dishes with unexpected flavors that work well together, well I'm sorry, but I'm out." And she proudly proclaims her ignorance of technical kitchen skills and classical dish knowledge as not being her gig. I think she's also the one that "guaranteed" that Richard's universally-praised pairing of white chocolate and wasabi couldn't have tasted good.

Anyway, I will be surprised if it doesn't come down to Richard, Stephanie and Dale.
Mike G.

Top Chef Chicago

cesb wrote:Zoi cries too much. I am totally confused by her schtick this week. She basically made this statement: "If what the judges are looking for is creative dishes with unexpected flavors that work well together, well I'm sorry, but I'm out." And she proudly proclaims her ignorance of technical kitchen skills and classical dish knowledge as not being her gig.

I have to agree. Isn't she basically saying she has just enough skill to work the salad line at Panera Bread? (A Long John Silver's deep fryer may pose too much of a culinary challenge.)
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

Top Chef Chicago

And I forgot my other favorite Andrew quote of the week (and I'm paraphrasing).

"Then Dale invites himself onto our team, which I thought we needed like a third wheel. Oh well, the weak need the strong."

Ah well. If he wasn't SUCH a tool, I wouldn't like the show as much.
Mike G.

Top Chef Chicago

BadComrade wrote:I just caught the Rick Bayless episode the other night, but I'm guessing it was a re-run.

When are the new episodes of this show on? I guess I'll watch it since I've watched more than one now.

9 PM Wednesday on Bravo. Last week's, then this week's.
Mike G.

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