ivan wrote:still no dice bob. if that many people were involved, somebody on the inside. would have spoken by now.
Not yet;
7 years are not enough to breach a criminal coscience
weakening a criminal psychology.
Time and money(huge mountains of money)are irrilevants
for criminal minds that regularly deal with such issues.
Something else has to happen to touch the heart of
a criminal;
something that is unpredictable and strictly connected
to the personality of the subject.
Buscetta,one of the "godfathers",was in South America,rich,healthy
and safe,but only when "something" happened touching his heart
he accepted to cooperate with the judge Falcone,revealing all the
unknown(politicals,economicals) high levels of Cosa Nostra.
About the evidence not evident:
Al Capone was arrested for "tax evasion",not as the top criminal level
of Cosa Nostra in Chicago.
About the evidence not evident:
in the first Iraq war(G.Bush senior)all the journalist and press were
selected by a military crew.
Journalist weren't allowed to go around independently and without
permission and control of the US NAVY military.
The military propaganda told the international press that
everything would have been easy,fast,and decided from the sky.
The international community watchingTV,eating popcorns,witnessed
the assassination of a million of innocents killed by missiles and bombs.
About the evidence not evident:
"Weapons mass destruction" was the excuse for G:W:Bush admin.to lie
the entire planet,invading Iraq,assassinating another million of innocents,
hanging Saddam Hussein after a not legal trial,claiming a never released
About the evidence not evident:
Guantanamo is the high-living locations where the Talibans go in vacation,
swimming,drinking avogado juice,romanticly watching the full moon every night with their families.
About the evidence not evident:
September 11 2001
Right after the first airplane hijacked into the towers
CNN was already announcing all over the world that America was under attack by the terrorists of Osama BinLaden,so that changing the history
of this planet since then.
The evidence not evident is the scary ostrich putting his head underground;
The evidence not evident is also the turkey that fights and wins against
the viper
Salut a tutt