Things you drag with you to the bar...

I've been trying to avoid the bars lately, I can't afford to drop money every night I have off. If I'm in the mood I'll hit up a liquor store for some beer, and chill at home; frequent the forum, listen to some tunes, play guitar, and eat some food. the bars will burn a hole through my pocket. I need to start renting some movies or something.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.

Things you drag with you to the bar...

I am at the bar often. However i don't find that i drink to rid of anything emotional. I drink because it is the thing i enjoy doing when i am to go out and do the partying. I am a very emotional person so i don't find it much of a remedy.

If it WAS a cure for misery, i would have to say that i'd be drinking away the pain in my ass that this stubborn poo is causing. It is terrible.

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