
Total votes: 1 (50%)
Not? Crap?
Total votes: 1 (50%)
Total votes: 2


Not crap.

The first time I saw them was at a Chaos in Tejas fest in Austin, TX.

Chaos in Tejas is all hardcore punk, all the time - lots of stuff that sounds like Discharge, Amebix, Discharge, that one era of Black Flag yeah that one, Finnish stuff, No Comment and Guaze.

On the one hand, Clockcleaner's set seemed SO COMPLETELY outta "Atomizer" (w/ a live drummer) that I kinda laughed.

On the other, that sound REALLY pissed off the crusty types, nearly clearing the room. Sharkey was wearing a shirt that said "d-beat wigger." Totally genius.

I bought and liked their first album 'Nevermind.' Bass credited to Nale Dixon. Can't decide if that's funny or not.

Saw them a few more times when they sounded more Goth and Brainbombs and less "Passing Complexion."

Their current bass player (2+ years) is this gal named Karen Horner who usually gets utterly bombed before the set, wears sweater sets on stage and plays a six-string for no clear reason. The latter fact REALLY pissed some people off, which means she sometimes just bonks the hecklers in the head with the bass. They they're in love.

I really like Babylon Rules, but I wouldn't have put "New in Town" as the first song.

Not crap.

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