
naughty but niiiiiice
Total votes: 44 (68%)
not nice, i feel bad for sluts
Total votes: 5 (8%)
not nice, i feel bad for sluts but i will not ruin an opp to get my hunch on
Total votes: 9 (14%)
not nice, sluts are slutty
Total votes: 7 (11%)
Total votes: 65

people: sluts

what if it's a girl that's been with your other friends? I say NO. I think this is kind of an unwritten thing for me, if I know some guy dated, fucked around with, or was in a relationship with the girl--untouchable, it's just a boundary I don't cross. i've seen problems arise between friends, and I've been in situations where I've had the opportunity. I just don't do it, no matter how over a girl says she is, I just don't think it's fair right, or appropriate, and in some way I think it's really weird knowing some guy you know's dick has been in her. I don't know maybe I'm weird, but I've never done this. if I ever do, I'll be sure to report.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.

people: sluts

sack of smashed assholes wrote:what if it's a girl that's been with your other friends? I say NO. I think this is kind of an unwritten thing for me, if I know some guy dated, fucked around with, or was in a relationship with the girl--untouchable, it's just a boundary I don't cross. i've seen problems arise between friends, and I've been in situations where I've had the opportunity. I just don't do it, no matter how over a girl says she is, I just don't think it's fair right, or appropriate, and in some way I think it's really weird knowing some guy you know's dick has been in her. I don't know maybe I'm weird, but I've never done this. if I ever do, I'll be sure to report.

I feel what you're sayin'. If one of my friend's girlfriend breaks up with him and then goes on a pure slut trut, I have no desire to fool around with her. I know dudes say "Yeah, whatever man. She left me, but fuck her. I don't care." but in the end you know they feel like shit and I've been in that situation a couple times. It sucks to know some chick you thought was legit and was yours is now kissing your friend's balls on a college campus somewhere.

still, most sluts are pretty legit.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

people: sluts

i liked arson smith's classifications of the slut...dead on i think...

unfortunately i see far too many C's running around...they're the worst kind just for sheer numbers and stupidity factor...

not crap...i've dated strippers and have been burned a few times but they were fun...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

people: sluts

tocharian wrote:All I'm saying is that I don't generally meet women who are wired for meaningless sex.

What the fuck does "meaningless sex" really mean, anyways? Is it ever, really, meaningless? Is it so wrong for two people to have sex once or twice, mutually enjoy it, and then go their separate ways, without feeling bad because it was not a longer lasting relationship? Perhaps it was what both people needed, at that time? Can't people remember and treasure those times and not diminish what it "meant" at the time, without feeling like it was a waste of time and energy?
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people: sluts

the way i see it, there are 3 types of promiscuous women (at least as far as i've been involved with women; let me know if i'm missing anything):

the slut - she is an all-out and blatantly promiscuous girl, it's clear to everyone.

the tramp - not a slut at all, but she keeps a really, really open mind about guys. even if she's in a relationship, she's on the lookout. she's interested in what makes guys tick, and has a lot of fun pursuing a guy sexually.

the tease/flirt - also known as a "cocktease," this girl really likes flirting with every guy and never gets with any of them. she is most likely very attractive, which is what allows for this social dynamic to work with pretty much every guy she knows. it's part of her social psyche, she cannot carry on a conversation without somehow hinting at sex and checking a guy for his reaction. if a guy wants to talk to her about something really straight-forward without hitting on her, she will be kind of confused and unsure of how to carry on the conversation. she gets a kick out of seeing guys drool over her, because hey, it's not like any of them are ever going to get it anyhow.
(i classify her as a "promiscuous girl" along with sluts and tramps because she operates under the same impulse; she just doesn't sleep with many guys like tramps and sluts do, because she is in denial of her sexual nature).

in my experience, i have come to respect the tramp the most out of all these girls. this, to me, represents a girl who is honest with her sexual impulses (perhaps even to the point of being indulgent), but she isn't a total slut because she's more... let's just say methodical, and careful.

also, of the three types above, i have come to develop a lot of contempt for the tease. for this sort of girl, the overwhelming majority of her "sex life" consists of trying to convince others that she actually has a sex life (which she really doesn't). guys: when these girls wink at you, keep in mind that the wink really means a lot to her; she's watching for your reaction, and this exchange is really as close to sex as she wants to get. this sort of exchange practically is sex to her.

fortunately, a girl can't remain a tease forever. one day a dude will fuck her right, she'll love it, and she'll get past that phase and learn to embrace her urges.

btw, sluts = NC, i'm going with the top option. (band) (i make beats for that dude)

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