Listening to the same song over and over

Total votes: 3 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 34 (92%)
Total votes: 37

Act: Listening to the same song over and over

I like doing it. I've done three hour airplane flights and five hour road trips where I've only listened to the same one song over and over the whole time. It's a great way to really *listen* to a song, and hear what's going on. I feel like with really good songs, you haven't come close to hearing the nuances until about the tenth listen or more.

"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Act: Listening to the same song over and over

I'll rarely listen to an entire song all the way through multiple times, but certain parts in a song I'll listen to again and again.

For instance, I love the last half of the New Year song "Alter Ego." The intricacy of it is just incredible. It has that main guitar line that repeats for several bars and then suddenly it's just the one guitar and the other joins in for a plinkity planka tinka tanka dunka dinka danka and then it's all done. Beautiful.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Act: Listening to the same song over and over

This may be the most surprising thing I have learned about you peoples' tastes and music listening habits since I registered for the PRF.

One song? For hours? This is crazy to me. I have been really into a song for a week[s] but I've never listened to a song back to back to back to back...

I've listened to a song two times in a row to pay more attention to it. I've listened to a song dozens of times in a few days or a week. But no matter how kickass a song was I can't imagine listening to any song over and over and not getting bored.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

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