by NerblyBear_Archive
I'm reading Sabbath's Theater right now, and I'm a monkey's uncle if this isn't the most shockingly enjoyable fictional experience I've had in a heck of a while.
Roth cares about his characters more than other authors do. I think his lacerating sarcasm and buffoonery tend to mask that fact at times, but when all of the chips are on the table, Roth treats his characters with respect. Even the women. Especially the women. Drenka is the most lovable and the sanest character in this book, by far.
The shifts in mood are ridiculous. One minute Sabbath is crying on the shoulder of his oldest friend (a "rich, cultured Jew"), and the next his friend walks in on him as he's in the bathroom masturbating to a picture of the friend's teenage daughter! One minute I'm getting a lewd thrill out of reading about Drenka's voracious, inhuman sexcapades, and the next my fucking heart is breaking during the story of how Mickey's marriage with Roseanna decayed from such beautiful beginnings into mutual hatred.
This book is human. I feel like a dyed-in-the-wool human being again when I'm reading this thing. The characters are so fucked-up, their lives are such train wrecks, and yet they live them up every minute, to the max. Roth never stands in judgment over them. He's like Walt Whitman, a man who refuses to make judgments about the world and instead chooses to view it as the endlessly entertaining spectacle it can be once we just open our eyes to it.
Philip Roth is my new favorite novelist. I don't think we've seen anyone of his caliber since Faulkner.
I really love how he pisses everybody off, too.
Gay People Rock