Teen girls face life in prison over nothing

The greater point y'all are missing is that the for-profit prison industry prefers inmates to non-inmates, and if it requires warping the social fabric and legal system to turn teenagers into incarceration-eligible "adults," then it will happen, by whatever scare tactics or bribery is necessary.

Prisons need inmates. They'll take them however they can get them. Three-strike laws, children tried as adults, whatever. Just keep sending them away.

When I think of all the shit I did as a teenager and the sentences I could get for it in the current lock-em-up climate, I shiver.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Teen girls face life in prison over nothing

steve wrote:When I think of all the shit I did as a teenager and the sentences I could get for it in the current lock-em-up climate, I shiver.

You are correct on this, Jesus I think about all the pipe bombs and whatnot we'd make and blow shit up with....we'd all be in Guantanamo right now.
I think about if a group of kids simultaneously blew up 4 toilets in different parts of a school with quartersticks one day like we did, it'd be on the fucking news as a terrorist attack. We'd get the death penalty. We got suspended for a week and that was the end of it.
What do kids do for fun these days? Everything is so structured and regimented from the time they are born. Cops are in their shit constantly, drug testing kids at school, metal detectors everywhere...No wonder they go nuts and shoot up schools and malls and shit.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Teen girls face life in prison over nothing

unarmedman wrote:Well maybe they shouldn't be tried as adults, but they beat a girl unconscious, waited till she woke up, and then beat her some more? Something needs to happen.


Juvenile detention sentence. Happens all the time.

Not a real prison. Real prison is no place for a sixteen year old girl. That's where we start with the presumption that people are lost causes. Sixteen year olds aren't yet lost causes.

BTW, I grew up in Orlando, and it's beyond stupid to paint that place as some haven for rednecks and malcontents. It's a normal, thriving American city, just like Atlanta or Nashville or Charlotte. Just like Chicago. When we talk about the "south," we're not talking about metropolitan areas. We're talking about the sticks. Drive thirty minutes outside of Orlando, and you're dealing with Satanic cults and biker bars and serious, violent racism. Maybe that's where these girls are from.
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