Midi Controller

I just got an M Audio Axiom 61 Midi controller and I havent a breeze how to use it! I plugged it in and turned it on and it wa recognised by my PC and it said it was installed!

My goal is to be able to add violin, keyboard, pad sounds etc. to the audio tracks I have already recorded in Cubase SX! Any idea how to do it?

Midi Controller

My goal is to be able to add violin, keyboard, pad sounds etc. to the audio tracks I have already recorded in Cubase SX! Any idea how to do it?

Where are these sounds? In a soft synth/sampler? On a standalone synth? In your head? (sorry, I keeed!)

Not entirely sure what your question is. BUT, if you're expecting a MIDI controller to generate a sound you're a little mistaken. Your controller is simply sending out instructions/messages to your 'instrument'.

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