Driving a car while stoned.

Total votes: 20 (49%)
Total votes: 21 (51%)
Total votes: 41

Act: Driving a Car While Stoned

The short answer has to be CRAP - face it, you're impaired. I've found that many people when baked tend to focus on certain things to the exclusion of others, sometimes irrationally so.

Can that impairment be mitigated by careful concentration and disciplined focus on all the things necessary for a safe driving experience? Probably, if one remembers to.

Depending on how much you've smoked, it is almost certainly less risky than driving drunk. If forced to, I'd much rather drive after sharing a bowl than after drinking six or seven beers.

Still, no matter how well you think you know yourself, you are unnecessarily risking other peoples' lives if you drive baked. Any denial of that is pompous ignorance.

Act: Driving a Car While Stoned

It's one of those things, like driving buzzed/borderline drunk, that lots of people do and rationalize in some subconscious manner or just choose not to think about. But really, if you examine the issue with any kind of seriousness, the only conclusion is CRAP. Any non-joking vote to the contrary and you're a flaming asshole.

I say this as someone who has driven baked and/or buzzed a lot in his past, and thus was kind of an asshole himself.

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