I Hate Them


was it Outhud that you hated? or the crowd? and did they have a live drummer?

i saw them maybe 4 years ago and they were fantastic and did have a live drummer, i bought the new cd this year, loved it, went to see them and they didnt have a drummer and while i enjoyed the music, the crowd was absolutely the largest group of douchebags i've ever seen assembled...in any case, me likey...

i dont know what i hate yet.


stewie wrote:Out Hud.

The worst gig I've seen in years. Spectacularly bad.

I Hate Them

andteater wrote:really?

was it Outhud that you hated? or the crowd? and did they have a live drummer?

It was Out Hud the band that my vitriol was directed at after their performance in the Middle East this year. They went on after Hella (who I had been there to see) and it was being broadcast on WZBC. Even letting them off the 10 minutes or so of technical problems, their music was SO dull, so uninspired and just plain naff that it drove me to hatred. It's weird how so many people seem to rave about them, but I didn't hear a thing worth a dime.

I'll admit that I can't remember if there was a live drummer or not - I just couldn't stop watching and laughing at the super-hip dances they were all doing.

Ah well, Hella kicked ass that night, so my money was well spent.

I Hate Them

i forgot to mention a.r.e. weapons, who i actively despise. i saw them open for trans am here a couple of months ago, and they were one of the most tiresome things i've ever heard. imagine two sweaty, mulleted cock-rockers: one shirtless one on vocals, one playing guitar (which, to be fair, was, in small bursts, slightly less bad that i imagined it would be). then imagine that these two primates join forces with what looks like an eminem fan who should be old enough to know better, who triggers tired beats from a drum machine. then imagine andrew w.k.-style (and i hope this isn't the start of a mini-trend of w.k. imitators, because he's annoying enough on his own) "funny" dumbass shouting over the top of all the other crap, and there you go. oh, and all this is at a near-deafening volume, heavy on the bass. these guys apparently had fans at this show too, because a few frat-and-sorority-types were up front shouting along.

later on, i read some review of their record that compared them to suicide. unless they were talking about some of the dreck rev and vega churned out after the second album (all of which, incidentally, is better than a.r.e. weapons), that comparison was lost on me. in any case, i'm sure these jackasses will soon be rolling in cash, if they aren't already.

on the upside, trans am were pretty great.

I Hate Them

In general, I will despise you and/or your band if you:

- Take more than 20% of your set time setting up or tearing down (i.e. if you play a 30 minute set, you be able to set up in 6 minutes)
- Employ a small mountain of shitty Crate/Peavey/Roland solid state combo amps in lieu of actually buying a real amp
- Use a bass with more than 4 strings or a guitar with a number of strings greater than 6 but not equal to 12
- Have mistakenly confused wrecking everybody's shit with stage presence
- Bring a Line6 Pod with you
- Play to prerecorded music
- Have a Rack of Gibraltar setup for your drums
- Incorrectly credit a cover song (i.e. announcing "12XU" as a Minor Threat song)
- Ask people to either stop smoking as you play or rearrange themselves based on gender

And you are definitely fucked if you:

- Have a laptop on stage
- Are simply devoid of talent, charisma, courage and/or work ethic

There are exceptions to these rules (as with all rules) such as:

- You are in Wire
- You are in Rocket From the Tombs
- etc.

As a working example, last night I sank to new depths of pure white-hot hatred for a "band." The absymal train wreck that was Gang Wizard came through Seattle and I was unlucky enough to be doing sound for the "show." After spending twenty minutes setting up their gear and proceeding to stumble through one "song" (which could only be discerned as such when they all stopped playing within the same three minute span, they were forced to stop because they had broken a mic, wrecked a mic cord, dragged a good chunk of the PA gear around the stage area and (best of all) thrown a floor toom down a flight of stairs sending a friend of mine (ironically one of the people helping to put on the show) to the hospital. After being corralled and having these facts related to them, their response was "that sucks". And how. Avoid this shitstorm if at all possible, complete assholes. Of course, if you knew a priori that they were from LA, you could have probably guessed as much.


I Hate Them

I would add only one thing to danmohr's beautifully near-comprehensive list:

Telling people to come up to the front of the stage/dance/'get crazy'/etc. , and then getting indignant if people don't do these things to your liking, causing you to say something about how lame the audiences in whatever town it is are.

I Hate Them

Telling people to come up to the front of the stage/dance/'get crazy'/etc. , and then getting indignant if people don't do these things to your liking, causing you to say something about how lame the audiences in whatever town it is are.

That is, in a nutshell, why I hate Outhud.

I Hate Them

Angus Jung wrote:I would add only one thing to danmohr's beautifully near-comprehensive list:

Telling people to come up to the front of the stage/dance/'get crazy'/etc. , and then getting indignant if people don't do these things to your liking, causing you to say something about how lame the audiences in whatever town it is are.

Oh my god, I can't believe I omitted this - thank you for rectifying my grievous error. In the Pacific Northwest, this sort of silliness is so commonplace that I'm just becoming accustomed to its presence at any show I attend (sort of like people who grew up next door to a rendering plant or in Lewiston, ID no longer being able to identify the surrounding stench). The best example I can think of is The Gossip whose (first? who cares?) album contains the liner note - "No thanks to the kids that don't dance". There are no words to describe the scalding bile that rises in my throat at even recounting this tripe; I just want to tie them to a chair and play Whitehouse records at them for days at a time. I'm comin' up your ass indeed!

I Hate Them

I think Battles had a laptop on stage when I saw them. Battles is pretty good.

I hate Good Charlotte so much, and the people I hate more than Good Charlotte are Good Charlotte fans.

I kinda hate Guns and Roses.

I do like At the Drive-In and the Rapture, although I realize that the Rapture is not a good band. In 5 years they'll be long gone.

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