Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

So it's beautiful in Chicago, the weather is finally nice. You know what that means.....time for some shootin'!!!

There have been 21 shootings in the city of Chicago in the last 24 hours, 4 of the 21 people who've been shot have died.
and it's only Saturday night!!
I am crossing my fingers that we can all join in this together and get over 100 shootings before Monday morning really kick this spring off on the right note.

If you are collecting stats on a weekly basis, we had 35 shootings this week Mon-Fri so add those in there as well, makes over 50 for the week so far. Nice work, Chicago keep it up.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

Marsupialized wrote:So it's beautiful in Chicago, the weather is finally nice. You know what that means.....time for some shootin'!!!

There have been 21 shootings in the city of Chicago in the last 24 hours, 4 of the 21 people who've been shot have died.
and it's only Saturday night!!
I am crossing my fingers that we can all join in this together and get over 100 shootings before Monday morning really kick this spring off on the right note.

If you are collecting stats on a weekly basis, we had 35 shootings this week Mon-Fri so add those in there as well, makes over 50 for the week so far. Nice work, Chicago keep it up.

How many of these shots were fired by Chicago police officers?

I don't know who I'm kidding, I can't imagine them reporting those stats unless they were caught red-handed.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

BadComrade wrote:Weren't about 20 of them school kids? I might be wrong about that, but I swear I heard that on the radio.

There have been a lot of kids getting shot, maybe it was 20 this month?

What a way to scare the Olympics away.

Yeah they mostly high school kids, gangbanger bullshit.
They make a 'spring cleaning' list over the winter, as soon as it gets nice out they act on it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

As long as it's gangbangers shooting other gangbangers, I have no problem with it--it's when the young school kids or the grandmas get caught in the crossfire that sucks.

I've always agreed with the idea that all the gangs in Chicago be given all kinds of guns and other hand weapons and let them use Soldier Field to shoot it out, the last guy alive gets to be alderman or something.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

Beautiful start to the weekend in Chicago

in regards to the bicyclist story- tyler is the brother of someone that works with both myself and someone else that works at electrical. it is incredibly sad for everyone and tyler's brother is sweet and a huge fan as well as participant in the independent music scene. it would be great if tyler's brother received nothing but love from wherever he can get it and i think electrical might be the place.

i agree with the previous comment about that intersection-- i just wanted to step in front of any weird responses.

looking forward to new projects by peter sotos, dr kay redfield jamison, lauren weedman, daido moriyama, loretta lux, jack mcbrayer, kim deal, rory kennedy, alex prager, jen davis, bracha l ettinger, martha plimpton, nina nastasia, matt besser

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