Effects for drum machines

Rimbaud III wrote:What is that like? I'm intrigued. How does the package work without that pedal?

I abuse this a little and it can be routed into the signal path much like any VST plugin. I don't think I've ever really used it with a guitar, more a sort of gallimaufry or bank of effects and amp simulators - it's great for distortion (some are truly hideous) and reverb as you might imagine but a cab simulator blended in subtly can add a certain 'bigness' that I really like.


Effects for drum machines

SansAmps are great on drum machines.

I *so* want a Quadrafuzz kit I can build into a guitar pedal. I'd even want to switch between different color LEDs, since I hear each color has different clipping properties when used as a clipping diode.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

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