inane things that people talk to you about

Angus Jung wrote:In fact, it's okay to be annoyed by anything.

I didn't say it wasn't okay. I said it didn't make sense. If Ms. Ling is okay with doing things that don't make sense, then I'm not going to stand in her way.

To be fair, there are probably some gay people who talk about being gay when there isn't any reason to - and that can be annoying. I would say that gay people are just like straight people, or religious people, or people who used to play with Fugazi, in this respect: most of them don't bring up their stuff when it's not relevant, but a small minority do bring it up all the time. If you're annoyed by that small minority, you might say that you're annoyed by "people who talk about aspects of themselves that have no bearing on the subject at hand, be they Evangelicals, Sodomites, or ex-Fugazi-dudes." But to say that you are annoyed by "people that are gay that talk about being gay" - that doesn't make sense.

inane things that people talk to you about

Angus Jung wrote:I don't mean to interrupt the I Am Not Homophobic celebration, but it's perfectly okay to be annoyed by gay people talking about being gay all the time.

In fact, it's okay to be annoyed by anything.

I am in no way arguing that being annoyed by things is not allowed. I'm just saying, as Linus also pointed out, that this person's statement doesn't make any sense.

As for the "I Am Not Homophobic" celebration comment, I am only so annoyed by the statement because I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE, okay? Totally not cool to out yourself on a web forum, but this issue is really bothering me.

A year and 1/2 ago I started seeing men again for the 1st time since my 9 year old daughter was born. You have no idea how difficult getting by in a same sex relationship is until you've done it. Have you ever imagined raising a kid from baby, to toddler, to elementary school age with the stamp Lesbian on your forehead? Do you know what it feels like to have to explain to her WHY Julie's parents won't let her come over?

Believe me, the argument here is not so far in the past as the perpetrator of this assonine statement would like to think. All I'm saying is think a little more before you speak. Straight people DO absently talk about being straight all the time. I'm relieved to be rejoining your ranks because it's a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT EASIER.

I hope no one is now going "Oh, i get it. It's just a man-hating bitch. Discount anything she says." I just felt like my perspective was necessary to this argument.

Take it away....
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

inane things that people talk to you about

waltermalling wrote:being told that a person is gay is completely inane to me cause i don't give a fucking shit.

Inanity: A Short Course by Dr. Walterma L. Ling:

does anybody have an[sic] early favorites for winning american idol this year?

i don't know why great artists that aren't doing much these days don't go on american idol. i think billy corgan should do it. he'd definitely win.

did slint play any zwan songs? if they did, i could see that being worth the money.

why would you name your band such a negative name like low? i mean, you're not exactly shooting for a platinum record with a name like that.

Nice work, Dr. Ling. And bonus points for feeling comfortable posting vile shit like:
go back to the kitchen rachel[sic] and take a nice long deep breath and relax.

on your second day here. Most people wait a full week before unleashing the full potential of their misogyny and homophobia.

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