The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus

Rick Reuben wrote:
Gramsci wrote:And considering that UK current events aren't really regarded as news anywhere but in the UK this isn't exactly surprising.
That's preposterous. The banking systems of the UK and the US are interlocked, along with every equity and bond market...

The post above exposes a lot about your own awareness of current events.

Actually what the above thread exposes is Bob's increasingly deranged mental state. How Bob manages to connect a statement regarding Big D's lack of general knowledge and a alleged denial on my behalf of a connection between the international money markets speaks untold.

Hopefully Bob will enlighten us with how he makes the connect between the following two concepts:

"Big D may not have a knowledge of UK current events"


"Grammy says that the US and UK banking systems are not interconnected."

Yet again Bob can only shout into the void by putting words in someone's mouth.

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