What kind of guitar do you play?

btcol wrote:TB1000S - #1352
Les Paul Vintage Mahogany
Shitty Mex Strat
Martin Acoustic
Awesome "Flamenco" nylon string acoustic from an incredible Luthier in Grenada Spain
Koa Ukelele

I only play the LP and the TB as far as the electrics go...plus I am not having luck posting my pics - newbie and all.
Oh yeah, amps - orange rocker 30, also a tapco ivp setup with mesa power amp and homemade 2x12 with vintage 30's


I'm in Granada in two weeks... where, who and how much.


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What kind of guitar do you play?

I will get you the exact name of the street, but it is the one that leads up to the Alhambra, there are about 5 different shops on this one strip- kind of the Luthier district. As far as the cost - I pd around $1200 Euro, but you can go a little less or a lot lot more. I have to look at my guitar at home to get you the name, for some reason I can never remember it. I will get it for you, but pretty much any of the luthiers are awesome
Granada is one of my favorite places in the world, be sure to eat lots of the Iberican ham, drink plenty of grt sangria, check out the amazing flamenco, roma, etc - jealous i am

What kind of guitar do you play?

BadComrade wrote:That is the most bad-ass looking Ovation I've ever seen, with the crazy ass pickup and the half flat half shiny body and all.

The bass player for Dethklok should be playing that.

What did you pay for that thing?

Just a bit over $500, shipping included. I agree that it looks pretty cool, but the sound is fanfuckingtastic. Love it.

that damned fly wrote:if you go back through the ebay thread in tech room you'll see several posts of me pimping the magnums. even though i only knew of one bassplayer who used it. barry adamson.

I do remember you talking about them, though I didn't remember you saying you had played one. They are great though!

What kind of guitar do you play?

Stupid amount of guitars I don't really play that much:


And my first proper electric guitar I bought myself with my wages from working at a supermarket, that's been smashed once, rebuilt, sold, bought back, sold again and then finally bought back and modified. I love this thing. Maybe it's because even if you learned to play on a piece of crap it still feels 'right' to you? I am waffling...


So "what kind of guitar do you play?" - a 1990ish Squier Telecaster.

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