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To let a dog starve: Art?

Oh, and the dog didn't die. Here's part of the letter released by the gallery roughly translated:

Uno de los trabajos expuestos consistió en presentar a un perro famélico que Habacuc recogió de la calle, y durante la exposición aparecía amarrado con una cuerda de nylon, que a su vez estaba sujeta a otra cuerda que pendía de dos clavos en una esquina de la Galería. Habucuc nombró al perro “Natividad” en homenaje al nicaragüense Natividad Canda (24 años) quien murió devorado por dos perros Rottweiler en un taller de San José, Costa Rica, la madrugada del jueves 10 de noviembre de 2005.

One of the works exhibited consisted in presenting a stray dog that Habacuc picked up from the street, and that during the exhibition, appeared tied with a nylon rope that was held to another rope nailed to a corner of the gallery. Habacuc named the dog "Natividad" as an homage to the Nicaraguan Natividad Canda (24 years old) who died devoured by two rottweiler dogs at carshop in San José, Costa Rica, a Thursday morning of the 10th of November.

El perro permaneció en el local tres días, a partir de las 5 de la tarde del miércoles 15 de agosto. Estuvo suelto todo el tiempo en el patio interior, excepto las 3 horas que duró la muestra, fue alimentado regularmente con comida de perro que el mismo Habucuc trajo. Sorpresivamente, al amanecer del viernes 17, el perro se escapó pasando por las verjas de hierro de la entrada principal del inmueble, mientras el vigilante nocturno quien acababa de alimentarlo limpiaba la acera exterior del mismo.

The dog stayed at the gallery for three days, starting on Wednesday August 15th at 5pm. It was free during all hours except the 3 hours that the show lasted, was fed regularly with food that Habacuc himself brought. Surprisingly, in the morning of Friday the 17th, the dog escaped passing through the iron bars of the main entrance, whilst the guard who had just fed him broomed the outside pavement of the building.

A friend sent me this by e-mail, I'll get him to send me a link.

To let a dog starve: Art?

I have a suspicion that the real focus of the exhibition was not the dog, but the gallery goers. The object on display was not the dog (who, as the post above mine points out, was fed regularly), but the assholes at the gallery who thought that art was so important they were willing to be complicit in the death of a dog before they were willing to disturb the art.

I don't know if that's what Habacuc was going for, but it's what I get out of it.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

To let a dog starve: Art?

According to SNOPES, there seems to be differences of opinion on what actually took place at the exhibit:

It's unforgivable if he did indeed bring harm to the dog, but it seems a lot of conflicting stories are floating about on the web about this (how unusual). Don't convict anyone on hearsay is all I have to say.
"Everything should be kept. I regret everything I’ve ever thrown away." -- Richard Hell

To let a dog starve: Art?

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I have a suspicion that the real focus of the exhibition was not the dog, but the gallery goers. The object on display was not the dog (who, as the post above mine points out, was fed regularly), but the assholes at the gallery who thought that art was so important they were willing to be complicit in the death of a dog before they were willing to disturb the art.

I don't know if that's what Habacuc was going for, but it's what I get out of it.

In which case it's quite an interesting point to make and seems to have been made quite well.

If this bit is true:

It was free during all hours except the 3 hours that the show lasted, was fed regularly with food that Habacuc himself brought.

Then can anyone still upset about this please explain why?

The calls for the artist's slow and tortuous death seem a little excessive now.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

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