I reiterate- a little lip service during the seventh inning stretch of the primaries is not a good way to assess what someone's presidency will look like. If we believed what Bush said before he got elected government spending would be at an all time low and abortion would be illegal.
It seems in an almost opposite way Democratic campaigns show less teeth then their actual policies.
By the way, who exactly are you demonizing for not standing up for Wright (aside from Obama that part is clear). I am not of his faith. I find some of his sermonizing to be true. Was I supposed to call in? Sense when is every freedom loving progressive's job defending every random source of controversy?
Again, if all candidates are bought and sold, then the conversation is over. Obama is as all others are. Don't vote, and we won't see you at the polls.
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
72Much respect lost for Obama, now that I know he threw Wright under the bus needlessly.
I'm still voting for him though. I don't see any other option worth even considering.
I'm still voting for him though. I don't see any other option worth even considering.
Rick Reuben wrote:I was reading the Electrical Forum in my parents' basement when ...
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
73Why should we even care? Who hasn't thought their pastor was a douchebag at one point or another? What if Obama simply went to church to humor his wife and slept with his eyes open during the sermons each Sunday? That kinda does happen a lot.
We as a society are vesting far too much in this.
We as a society are vesting far too much in this.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
74rick, sorry i if i asked you this earlier, but i dont remember getting a answer, but do you vote?
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
75Anyone who is anyone knows AIDs was created in a medical lab in Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
Nina wrote: We're all growing too old to expect solace from watching Camus and Ayn Rand copulate.
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
76Rick Reuben wrote:Obama about Wright: "That's enough."
Claims that Wright disrespected him at the Press Club. Says that he and wife are similarly angry.
Says that Wright was caricatured by the sound bites used against him, but says that Wright caricatured himself at the Press Club.
Obama's stance is crap. He says that Wright's words were taken out of context unfairly, and then says that he was forced to repudiate him, based on the snippets taken out of context. What??
This is some uncomfortable viewing.
It's over now. That link above may or may not point to the archived press conference.
C-SPAN had the Wright press conf. on this morning, and I just heard some of Obama's replies.
What I haven't heard of much is how Wright threw Obama under the bus as well, portraying him as a duplicitous politician. During the Q & A he was asked a pre-scripted question how he felt about Obama distancing himself from past comments. His reply was something to the effect of "He hasn't heard most of my sermons, just as many of you haven't heard most of my sermons." The lady then jumped in and asked "so are you saying he doesn't go to church that often" and he replied "he goes to church probably as much as you do...do you remember what your pastor spoke about last week?"
I'm remembering this off the top of my head, so the quotes aren't verbatim. But yeah, this media-fueled frenzy is getting whooped-up ugly.
And perhaps not-so-coincidentally, N.C. Governor Mike Easley endorsed Hillary Clinton as well.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
77Rick Reuben wrote:Pastor Wright is heckled at the National Press Club as he asks legitimate questions about the origins of AIDS:Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., defended his statements accusing the U.S. government of deliberately engineering the AIDS virus as a means of genocide.
That doesn't seem like some 'legitimate questions', looks more like a full blown conspiracy theory. Tell me Bob, what is it that makes a reasonably intelligent person try to come off like a crack pot?
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
I can't wait till Obama gets elected and makes whitey pay and pay hard.
I can't wait till Obama gets elected and makes whitey pay and pay hard.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
79I can't wait to come home one day and find a million dollars in my mailbox. But it still hasn't happened...
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
Will Obama Condemn Starvation Caused By Lords Of Capital?
80I'd just love to see one person in the mainstream media pose the following questions:
"Why do we expect politicians to agree with everything their pastor says when the average American has sex before they're married, gambles, drinks to excess, and says the lord's name in vain?"
"Why do we give two shits about organized religion anyway?"
I would classify that as awesome.
"Why do we expect politicians to agree with everything their pastor says when the average American has sex before they're married, gambles, drinks to excess, and says the lord's name in vain?"
"Why do we give two shits about organized religion anyway?"
unarmedman wrote:The lady then jumped in and asked "so are you saying he doesn't go to church that often" and he replied "he goes to church probably as much as you do...do you remember what your pastor spoke about last week?"
I would classify that as awesome.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.