McCain Records With John Stanier and Rollins
Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of Margaret Cho
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94I Have Truly Wasted My Life and That's Not Cool
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.
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95Dicks You Have Pulled
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.
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96Barack Obama Prompted Killing On Jimi Hendrix Sex Tape While Olbermann FUCKS OFF
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
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97I hate moving my bowels
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
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98Self-pimps make music: when spectacles become art of Scarlett Johansson trunk serious compressing