Your " Go To" snack

Something that requires specific ingredients (no substitutions), can be prepared in under 10 minutes, that you make on a regular basis (no "I made a crepe 2 years ago and it was delicious") and can be prepared as such by no-one but you (ie. "My brother tried making it once and even though he's a 3 star Michelin chef, it wasn't the same").

Does not have to be an original recipe. Could be a turkey sandwich, but it's your version of a turkey sandwich.

Tell us about it and why it's so tasty.

Your " Go To" snack

Boil a cup of orzo pasta.

Open a can of corn kernels
Slice up some fresh basil (about a handful)
Lightly fry some sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Add all of the above in a bowl.

If you have time, add some fried mushrooms.

Drizzle over some pumkin seed oil and/or olive oil.



Your " Go To" snack


-romaine lettuce, spinach, mixed greens, romaine+the beet greens from the borscht you made last night, edible stuff growing wild in your lawn

-tomatoes, olives, red or white onion, red pepper, thawed frozen green peas, walnuts or sunflower seeds, bacon bits, and cheese (feta, gorgonzola, pecorino romano, extra-sharp cheddar...whatever's available)

-2nd tier things to add if they are in the fridge: leftover chicken, some drained kidney or garbanzo beans, water chestnuts, croutons, bean sprouts, spinach, fresh herbs, wedges of oranges, dried cranberries

-wash, cut, put in bowl

-make a vinaigrette out of vinegar, some seasoning, and oil. If you've just added bean sprouts and water chestnuts to the salad, you can use rice wine vinegar and sesame oil with perhaps some peanut butter and honey and lime juice. If you've just made something very fruity and sweet, counter-act that with something very spicy. Throw some mushrooms in. Try a saffron and walnut oil vinaigrette.

Among my friends and family, I am popularly considered to make the best salads ever. To me, they're usually a way to use up tiny portions of leftovers and take under ten minutes to prepare, especially if you think ahead and chop up a little extra onion or red pepper when cooking something else. They're great late night snacks that don't leave me feeling so guilty about what I've just eaten as, say, nachos. I could probably live on nothing other than salads. In fact, I'd probably be healthier if I did.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Your " Go To" snack

this is what I make for my wife and myself every morning.

3/4 cups of oats
1 3/4 cups of water
a teaspoon of vanilla
tablespoon of brown sugar
a generous shaking of the cinnamon can

boil all of that until it starts to stick to the bottom of the pan, turn off the heat.

chop half an apple and some walnuts

put the oatmeal in two bowls
add the chopped apple and the walnuts
add raisins
slice a banana over the bowls
drizzle with honey

wake sleeping bride with warm oatmeal and a hot cup of coffee/tea.

best way to start the day.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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