Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

It's like soul, man
Total votes: 16 (94%)
I am a tree
Total votes: 1 (6%)
Total votes: 17

Thunderdome: Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

FuzzBob wrote:Could never locate any releases by those two, particularly Gem. Got anything you could Sendspace? I'm sure that stuff is long OOP...
Hey FuzzBob, PM sent.
What I've heard of Gem, I like the Tobias Brothers' songs much better than Doug's. The Cobra Verde stuff I've heard was just horrible. I've never heard Death of Samantha. I actually have a ton of respect for Doug. In fact, I was kind of bummed when I got Salamander, because I really wanted to like it.*

(*Okay, huge aside. One thing that really, really bugs me about Gillard is how he often tries to make the GBV parts unnecessarily busy. It comes off really amateurish, like the guitar player who learns a new trick or gets a new pedal and then tries to incorproate said item into the entire set. Example: Second verse of "Back to the Lake". There is one DVD ('The Who Went Home and Cried' maybe? Can't be bothered to check right now, I'm venting.) where he does this to some of the "classic" songs, and it really irritates me. The thing is, the parts on his OWN record are pretty simple and straightforward. Always stuck me as rude that he apparently felt the need to embellish Pollard's songs, but not his. I'm sorry buddy, but Pollard's worst throw-away tracks are better than most of your discography.)

I'm impressed that he played most of the instruments on some of his records (as well as some of the GBV side projects). He's an okay engineer too -- I love the sound on "Speak Kindly of Your Volunteer Fire Department" (all instruments played by and recorded by Doug at home on his 8-track, as I recall). But all of that just does't hold up to "To Remake the Young Flyer" or "14 Cheerleader Coldfront", I'm sorry.

Convince me on Death of Samantha. What do you like, and where would you recommend someone start in their catalog? I'm genuinely curious. I'd love to have my mind changed, as I am pretty much a nerd for all things GBV.

Thunderdome: Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

thebronzemedal wrote:Without a doubt: Sprout. For one, His old band; Figure 4 was what made GBV start recording in a 4-track. His paintings are great, and his songs, both in-and-out of GBV are beautiful pop songs. Certainly more than just a Harrison to Pollard's one man Lennon-McCartney.

To remake a young flyer, man!

Sprout actually initially turned down an offer to join GBV sometime in the late '80s.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

Thunderdome: Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

FuzzBob wrote:
thebronzemedal wrote:Without a doubt: Sprout. For one, His old band; Figure 4 was what made GBV start recording in a 4-track. His paintings are great, and his songs, both in-and-out of GBV are beautiful pop songs. Certainly more than just a Harrison to Pollard's one man Lennon-McCartney.

To remake a young flyer, man!

Sprout actually initially turned down an offer to join GBV sometime in the late '80s.

Yeah, but didn't they started of recording in a "normal" studio for their first two or so albums? And only started recording on a 4-track after Sprout joined, and brought in his experiences with a 4-track?

I read this in the Learning to Hunt book, but I might be missing some part of their early history here.

Thunderdome: Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

thebronzemedal wrote:
FuzzBob wrote:
thebronzemedal wrote:Without a doubt: Sprout. For one, His old band; Figure 4 was what made GBV start recording in a 4-track. His paintings are great, and his songs, both in-and-out of GBV are beautiful pop songs. Certainly more than just a Harrison to Pollard's one man Lennon-McCartney.

To remake a young flyer, man!

Sprout actually initially turned down an offer to join GBV sometime in the late '80s.

Yeah, but didn't they started of recording in a "normal" studio for their first two or so albums? And only started recording on a 4-track after Sprout joined, and brought in his experiences with a 4-track?

I read this in the Learning to Hunt book, but I might be missing some part of their early history here.

You're right on all counts. I simply pointed out Sprout's initial refusal to join GBV for the irony, since Sprout would pretty much go on to define their "classic" era.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

Thunderdome: Tobin Sprout vs. Doug Gillard

Peripatetic wrote:Tobin Sprout.

Angels Hang Their Socks on the Moon.


I love this song. I like the concept of Gillard and I like him in GBV but I hate Death of Samantha, don't like Salamander and don't care about Cobra Verde. I am a Tree is a great song however.

Tobin Sprout is always on...Eyesinweasel,his solo stuff is great and, c'mon, "Atom Eyes"! Eh? "Awful Bliss"...

I even like Airport 5...
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

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