wiggins wrote:You must understand, being in our position is frustrating. We are outnumbered, as you said in your post. I dont think I should have to be ashamed to admit that I believe in god, but because of these people, I am. I think Unarmed Man said what he said out of frustration, out of being pidgeonholed, or rather, thats what would have been my excuse.
Try as you might, there is no way to simultaneously embrace the term "christianity" without inviting reference to the horrendous evils done in its name. The ridiculous out-on-a-limb posturing done in its name currently. The abject evil rained down on the poor, the meek, the imprisoned and the weak -- precisely the people Jesus surrounded himself with and called his brothers.
The political use of christianity aside, the church has been cover and congress for evil men in the South for the better part of two centuries. The church is a fraternity and a power base that is exploited by its members for social engineering and is even wielded like a weapon.
Christianity as practiced and avowed in the United States is an ugly thing, and no christian should be surprised that it illicits feelings (up to and including incredulity and disgust) in those of us who don't use the term.
Jesus? Great guy. Big heart, the J. Big heart. Almost everything he said was righteous. His flock? They crush people in his name, they look the other way while the poor are systematically disenfranchised and made to suffer for being poor, they would use the government to stop the advancement of science -- or even the teaching of science, they are crazy (absolutely
crazy) about punishing people, and they would make their current interpretation of scripture law -- but only the cherry-picked parts that would fit an anti-gay, pro-greed, anti-knowledge, pro-conformity, anti-liberty, women-as-chattel-and-breeding-stock worldview. They are the Taliban in seersucker.
If I am drawn to generalization (and you can see how I might be) I would say fuck the lot of them.
I am not so simple though, and I know there are good people who have read the book and taken it to heart. I like them, generally. Some of them I admire greatly.
But even they, pleading the case for their fellow faithful, would be hard pressed to convince us, the purely rational rest-of-the-world, that christianity shouldn't be viewed with suspicion. It has earned it with bloodshed, self-righteousness, sins of omission and collusion with the truly evil.
So, if it's about a personal relationship with Jesus, then keep it to yourself. That's where I keep personal stuff. That's the only way to put any distance between your personal faith and the way The Faith has been used like awrecking ball out here in the world. If it's about you and a bunch of other christians corralling people, money and power to make-over the rest of the world to your liking, then y'all can kindly go fuck yourselves.