Hey Tmidgett

Hey TMidgett,

I'm 24, and my close friends are starting to get married. I'm finding that it's increasingly difficult to tell these guys anything in confidence and expect that their girlfriends won't hear about it. The girlfriends are good people, and I'm not telling these guys anything really embarrassing or dire, nor anything involving their girlfriends, but all the same I'd like it if occasional requests for not sharing something were honored more often. It seems my conversations with them just come up in the course of the how-friends-are-doing talks that people in relationships often have.

Just now I was going to attempt such a man-to-man conversation with a friend who's getting married real soon, and I wondered if expecting my buddy to keep whatever I say from his soon-to-be wife is foolish. As these guys become closer to their girlfriends/wives than they are to me, which is all good and well, should I stop expecting them not to repeat what I tell them?

Hey Tmidgett

H-GM wrote:Tim!

I am curious in regard to how you write your "7's" and "Z's." Do you draw in the little bar to differentiate them, or are they drawn with no ornamentation.

Thank You.

I am not Tim, but I write my 7s and Zs with crossbars.

I have no idea where I picked this up from, because neither of my parents do this, nor did they teach this in the New York City public school system when I was going there.

My dad writes his ys backwards, though. That's kind bizarre.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Hey Tmidgett

I am curious in regard to how you write your "7's" and "Z's." Do you draw in the little bar to differentiate them, or are they drawn with no ornamentation.

Crossbars, always. Why? It's sensible. It's efficient, b/c I don't draw the 1 with a little hat, just as a line. That saved line goes into the comparatively rare 7 and Z.

I also do my dates day month year. But like this:

2May2008, or 2May08

Three letters for month, to avoid slashes or space.

Do you like movies about gladiators?

I've never seen an entire gladiator-oriented film.

For a reason.

I do not care about the gladiators.

I didn't know I didn't care until you asked! But I don't.

Just now I was going to attempt such a man-to-man conversation with a friend who's getting married real soon, and I wondered if expecting my buddy to keep whatever I say from his soon-to-be wife is foolish. As these guys become closer to their girlfriends/wives than they are to me, which is all good and well, should I stop expecting them not to repeat what I tell them?

I am sorry your friends are so pussywhipped.

I am also sorry to use such coarse language, but that is exactly the term I needed to use.

It takes a lot for a dude to share with another dude. Often, they have to speak in a funny voice to do it--that's how hard it is.

When dudes share, it should stay between dudes. You shouldn't even have to ask the dude to keep it between dudes. It should be understood.

I feel bad for you, but mostly I feel bad for any dude who didn't have proper behavior bred into him when it was early enough to take.

If you are telling a dude, "Dude, don't tell that thing about me to the girl you live with," and the dude tells it to her anyway, then that dude is off the sharing list.


You can share plenty with your wife without telling her about your friend's shit!

Feel free to print this out and put a copy of it under any dude's windshield wiper. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

Hey Tmidgett

Hey Tmidgett,

I remember reading somewhere on this forum that you had married your sweetheart from way back in High School days.

Was there a period where you were not attached to the sweetheart from way back in High School days or is this the only romantic love you have ever known?

I promise I won't tell my girlfriend. She doesn't need to know that I post on internet forums. I hope she doesn't check my web history. I have an entire hidden browser for porn purposes-- But I would almost rather her find that than know that I post on the internet forums.

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