unarmedman wrote:When things like this happen, it taints the general view of christianity as being somehow bigoted or racist, when in fact these acts have nothing to do with christianity. that's when others will commit the fallacy of composition. but not without good reason - some who profess Christ as their savior are really messed up! i mean, when you think about it in this sense, christianity is a made up word. Christ didn't say "become christians" he said "take up your cross and follow me".
i'm glad i was able to expand on my original thoughts a bit more. if i didn't make sense somewhere let me know and ill try harder.
Okay, well perhaps you or Wiggins could respond to this. If you were to do so, I think it would go a long way toward helping people understand what in fact Christianity means to you. (Re: Xianity and politics, etc, I've already dumped my personal load here.)
On a side note, my dad emailed me a sermon he gave on the book of Micah a few weeks ago. Here's an excerpt:
LAD's dad wrote:It's dog-eat-dog out there: one hostile takeover after another.
And we have to get rich any way that we can, even if, like in Micah's day, it is on the backs of the poor. (And we are so much more civilized in that we keep the poor at a distance, usually in other nations, so that we don't even have to see them.)
Sometimes we even have to work against the grain to find out who we are victimizing and where they are.
So we better get rid of these crazy prophets, sent by their crazy God. Let's cast them and their message off the edge of our postmodern world view, into the abyss of the past - that savage, intensely physical and immediate world that can't possibly have anything to do with us.
It would be easy to conclude that the prophets and their messages are anachronistic, part of a dead and distant past, an age before the coming of Christ,
But in this morning's scripture reading you have just heard the words of Micah in Chapter 2:
Woe to those who plan iniquity,
to those who plot evil on their beds
At morning¹s light they carry it out
because it is in their power to do it.
Or as the Living Bible puts it, 'Because they can, they do.'
Doesn't that seem familiar in our time and place?
And if you want to hear some other scathing indictments that sound remarkably familiar, check out Micah 6 & 7, for phrases like "Is there no end to getting rich by cheating? Don't trust anyone; the rich man pays them off and tells them who to ruin."
Goddamn, the day I thought I'd be sitting in Taiwan quoting my dad's sermons on a message board based out of Steve Albini's recording studio. The day!