Tour Rules ! !

C'mon guyz what are your rules while on tour ?

here i go :

1 - if you find a clean toilet with a lock on the door and toilet paper,
do a shit, even if you don't need to. You never know when you'll find another one...

2 - The best bed goes to the driver, this is known as driver's prerogative.

3 - The co pilot : no sleeping in the front of the van

4 - eat when you can eat, drink when you can eat, sleep when you sleep,
you never know when it will happen again....

5 - No whining...

c'mon guyz shot yours......

Tour Rules ! !

Don't just accept whatever lobster they bring you, make sure it's exactly the type of lobster listed in your rider.

Most STD's are easily cured these days, and the ones that's aren't are very rarely carried by chicks who hang out at bars.

Remember foreign countries may have different laws and customs than you are used to. As backwards as it may sound, defecating on stage may be frowned upon.

Most people who go to rock concerts and hang around rock bars are real fucking stupid, remember this. Take them for all they are worth every chance you get.

Don't be afraid to murder a drifter while on tour, if that's your thing. You will be gone in a few hours and they'll never come looking for you. Why would they?

Sell Metallica shirts and CD's instead of your band's, people actually want Metallica shit.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Tour Rules ! !

1. No girlfriends, no wives no never.

2. When the drummer starts to complain, fuck him up early so he knows not to do it again.

3. ALWAYS tell your wife what the other dudes do, That way when she hears from someone else she doesn't panic and think you were involved.

4. Always at least pretend to lug your own gear, nothing worse than a bass player with massive amounts of shit sitting on her ass eating chips while you lug her shit.

5. Never treat the support band like shit. it looks rude because it is rude.
if someone from your band is a dick to another band, let them know they are acting like a fuckhead and make sure the other band see you do this.

6. Always carry enough money to get yourself to an airport or back to the van.

7. Most sound guys are fucks, buy them a beer early on so they drop the attitude.

8. There are no rules.
I hate salesmen.

Tour Rules ! !

Our most important rule by a long, long way:

Never, ever, ever let our bassist drive. Remember that time he nearly killed us in Switzerland? Or when he fell asleep at the wheel? Never let that boy drive. Refuse point blank to insure him. Get away from the wheel, Ian, you're not driving.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


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